Thursday, November 20, 2008

Passion Is POWER!


No matter what you do in life, doing it with passion and enthusiasm
can immediately energize the Law of Attraction to work to your
benefit. Does it sound too good to be true?

Consider this:

- Passion can inspire clarity and insight about the right path for
you. Though there really aren't any "wrong" paths in life, there are
certainly easier ones and more difficult ones! The more passionate
you feel about something, the more meaningful and important it will

- Passion blots out fear and resistance. How can you feel anxious
when you're feeling great about what you're doing? The more you focus
on passion and enthusiasm for your activities, the less likely you
are to experience fear or worry.

- Passion keeps you firmly in the present moment. When you immerse
yourself in what you're doing at the moment, there is little chance
of you worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. This allows
you to devote more of your focus to your current activities, which
will allow you to better enjoy them, as well as intensify the results
you get from them.

- Passion directs a stronger intensity of energy toward your desired
outcome. If you do something halfheartedly, you might receive watered-
down results, but doing it with passion virtually guarantees that
your results will be excellent.

- Passion is an investment in more opportunities to feel passionate!
Remember that the more you focus on something you really enjoy you
will begin to attract more things to really enjoy. It also works the
same for other emotions like joy, peace, love, and gratitude.

- Passion can inspire quicker results in any endeavor. Whether
you're focused on increasing your financial abundance or creating a
work of art, you'll be putting forth a strong intensity of emotion so
your results will usually appear much more quickly than they would



Today I embrace the joy and wonder of engaging in activities that
inspire me. As I surrender to my greatest passions, my natural
abundance pours forth effortlessly.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Self Image and Lack


Do you believe you deserve great abundance? Do you believe you can
have it in your life?

Most of us would like to believe that, but at the same time we have
a niggling little voice in the back of our minds that jeers at us:
"Ha! Who do you think you're kidding? You know you don't deserve to
be wealthy and happy. You're not one of the lucky ones and you know
it. Just give it up. You are doomed to live a mediocre life. Accept

This little voice is usually the result of early programming and
negative reinforcement we experience during times of difficulty. It's
bad enough that this negative voice takes up residence in our minds
in the first place, but much worse is that we begin to believe what
it says! We end up sabotaging any efforts we make to live a more
abundant life.

If this sounds all too familiar to you, it's possible you are
blocking abundance from entering your life. Dissolving these inner
blockages may take some effort on your part, but it is time well-spent!

Here's how to turn that negative voice into a positive, supporting

- Begin speaking kindly and lovingly to yourself.

Remember, that little voice in your head will keep repeating what
you consistently tell it. In the past you may have been harsh on
yourself when you failed at something or didn't follow through with
goals you set. Recording over that negative voice with more positive
messages is very simple - just keep speaking kindly and lovingly to
yourself as often as possible! In time, the tone of that mental voice
will begin to change.

- Celebrate your achievements.

If you believe that nothing you do is ever good enough, begin making
it a priority to celebrate everything you do. Even the tiniest
accomplishment should be cause for celebration. Pat yourself on the
back, congratulate yourself, and most importantly feel GOOD about who
you are and what you do. Keep striving to do better, but also give
yourself some recognition for even trying!

- Believe that abundance is your birthright.

Keep affirming that you do deserve an abundant, happy life. Expect
abundance and goodness in all forms. Say things like this, "I just
know I'm meant to live a powerful life. I believe I have the strength
and ability to make my life into anything I want it to be." If you
know you deserve abundance, expect abundance always, and allow
yourself to open to abundance - you get abundance!

Remember that it will probably take time to notice obvious results.
Keep doing the steps as often as you can, and before long you should
find yourself feeling lighter and happier, AND attracting ever-
increasing amounts of abundance into your life.



Today I focus thoughts of love and healing toward myself, knowing
that as I heal so will my financial situation.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Count Your Blessings!

"Reflect upon your present blessings,
of which every man has many -
not on your past misfortunes,
of which all men have some."

Charles Dickens

Today, is an opportunity for you to explore and practice easy ways to express your appreciation for the blessings that you have in your life so you will activate the Law of Attraction and fill your life with more wonderful blessings! Today we count the blessing of the quality of patience.

Patience is accepting

Patience is a virtue.
You have heard that phrase before. Patience is accepting delay or inconvenience without complaining or becoming upset. It means stopping yourself from despairing and panicking. It's being content, keeping a cool head or keeping your cool and being unflappable. It's taking things in your stride and taking things as they come. It's being even-tempered and tolerant. It's about not giving up hope and not letting go.

Have you heard this one? "Infinite patience creates instant results!"
So, today, express your gratitude for being patient. For not being impatient, getting angry, frustrated or insecure. For being creative in finding ways to accept what is. For not getting side tracked and loosing your focus.

Two forces within us

Psychologically speaking, we have two forces at work within us - a driving force and a restraining force. Our driving force naturally gets us into taking action, whereas the restraining force holds us back. Patience essentially harness the driving force which pushes us to keep going forward no matter what roadblocks may present themselves. The restraining force will hold us back, get us stuck in fear, blame, and loosing our cool.

Being impatient and fretting about things makes it impossible to change anything. To be patient and let things run there course as they should is one of the secrets of happiness and contentment.