Sunday, November 2, 2008

Count Your Blessings!

"Reflect upon your present blessings,
of which every man has many -
not on your past misfortunes,
of which all men have some."

Charles Dickens

Today, is an opportunity for you to explore and practice easy ways to express your appreciation for the blessings that you have in your life so you will activate the Law of Attraction and fill your life with more wonderful blessings! Today we count the blessing of the quality of patience.

Patience is accepting

Patience is a virtue.
You have heard that phrase before. Patience is accepting delay or inconvenience without complaining or becoming upset. It means stopping yourself from despairing and panicking. It's being content, keeping a cool head or keeping your cool and being unflappable. It's taking things in your stride and taking things as they come. It's being even-tempered and tolerant. It's about not giving up hope and not letting go.

Have you heard this one? "Infinite patience creates instant results!"
So, today, express your gratitude for being patient. For not being impatient, getting angry, frustrated or insecure. For being creative in finding ways to accept what is. For not getting side tracked and loosing your focus.

Two forces within us

Psychologically speaking, we have two forces at work within us - a driving force and a restraining force. Our driving force naturally gets us into taking action, whereas the restraining force holds us back. Patience essentially harness the driving force which pushes us to keep going forward no matter what roadblocks may present themselves. The restraining force will hold us back, get us stuck in fear, blame, and loosing our cool.

Being impatient and fretting about things makes it impossible to change anything. To be patient and let things run there course as they should is one of the secrets of happiness and contentment.

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