Friday, October 31, 2008

Gratitude Project

Last week, I started something I call the Gratitude Project. It's more like a challenge to those of us who know that Gratitude is "the conduit by which are wealth will be achieved", but haven't quite made it a habit to do.

Most of my life I lived with the woe is me attitude thinking the world owed me something. There was no such thing as thank you in my mind, heart, and definitely not coming out of my mouth.

Since I've been researching the Law of Attraction, everything that I've run into tells me that Gratitude is the most important part of the law of attraction. I always disregarded it though. Until now. I realized that my ungratefulness is what kept me in poverty so long. Ungratefulness is what made me believe that others owed me something in this life.

But now, I've seen the light, or had that aha moment that so many have had. SO once I had this realization, I knew that my mind had been programmed for so many years with the negativity of ungratefulness that I need to do something to turn it around.

So I came up with the gratitude project. This challenge is going to last for the next 21 days (I've heard doing a consistent thing for 21 days becomes a habit).

MY gratitude project works this way. I have bought a gratitude book , the same one offered by Rhonda Byrne the author of The Secret and each day I write down what I am grateful for and what I plan to be grateful for in the future. I get up in the morning and I say thank you for everything I have, everything I will receive, and everything I could possibly think of. I take time (10-20) and visualize myself with the things on my gratitude list that I don't have in hand and I say thank you for those things feeling, believing and knowing that these things are on their way to me.

I then get up and get ready for my day waiting for inspired action to bring me to those things that I so desire.

This is such a powerful exercise, that things can change in your life literally overnight or sooner! It has been the single most effective thing I've ever done in my life. Since I started this project, I have received that inspired action I was looking for all of this time. I've taken that step and put that action into place and things have exploded around me in ways that I never would have imagined. And it all came from 3 simple word, "Thank You Jesus". That's it. Because I made a conscious decision to ask, believe, be thankful, I've received those things that I've been looking for. And I JUST STARTED THE PROCESS!

How powerful is that! If this has happened in only a few days, what will happen after 21 days? What will happend afer 6 months? A year? The possibilities are endless. I am so excited!

I implore those of you that are reading this to take part in this gratitude process. It has changed my life forever, for the better.

I guarantee it will change yours as well!

Have a good weekend!

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