Sunday, October 19, 2008

Four Proven Ways to Manifest Financial Abundance

Abundance is the inherent nature of your Universe.

You live in a truly abundant world that is constantly giving you opportunities and resources to create financial abundance in your life. In fact, the Universe is always creating situations that enable you to manifest financial freedom.

The level of financial prosperity you desire is not limited by the state of the economy, your current income or personal debt. It hinges solely on the attitude, energy, and vibrational frequency that you are sending out to the world. By simply increasing your vibration, this abundance will ease its way into your life and become a living reality.

The golden manifesting rule is simple: like attracts like.

But what does that actually mean in the real world?…

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When you are constantly feeling rich and abundant in your inner world, you always attract wealth to you in the outer world. If you are vibrating at the millionaire frequency, then you will naturally attract massive prosperity to you. It’s time to free yourself from those negative beliefs that keep your vibration and finances in the dumpster!

You are a natural manifesting machine. You can attract anything, including a bank account overflowing with wealth. It’s OK to think and act abundantly. You will only make this world a more rich and abundant place. Choose to reclaim your abundant nature, awaken the manifesting power inside you, and start attracting the financial abundance you truly deserve.

Here are four proven steps that will assist you in manifesting greater abundance into your life:

1. Reclaim Your Abundant Manifesting Powers.

We all naturally have the ability to manifest anything we want. Yet many of us have forgotten this ancient truth.

The secret to reclaiming and exercising these powers is to constantly remind yourself throughout the day that YOU ARE A POWERFUL MANIFESTING BEING.

This thought alone will raise your manifesting vibration and start attracting abundance into your life. Repeating this thought with FEELING is the key to shifting your vibration and sending out a “Millionaire Signal” into the Universe.

When you are truly FEELING this infinite abundant energy inside you on a daily basis, the results are the manifestation of massive physical wealth in your life. Our 8 Habits Manifesting Routine will raise your vibration so that you are FEELING this vibration all day long.

2. Experience Gratitude for the Abundance You Do Have.

One of the most effective long-term methods to receiving abundance is relaxing into the energy of gratitude.

The act of feeling grateful for the money that you DO have instantly shifts the energy in every cell of your body, as well as those electrons that want to flow into your bank account!

As you flood your body and mind with gratitude, you start to feel complete and whole on the deepest levels. When you are thankful, you know that your “cup runneth over”, and you release the desperate search for filling it up. The habitual seeking of money is actually what creates the lack of funds in your bank account. The yearning, needing, and searching feeling creates stress in your body, which blocks the abundance you are here to receive.

Connecting with deep feelings of gratitude sends out a powerful signal to the Universe that says, “I am rich and abundant!” It affirms that everything is already Divine, wholly perfect as it is, and that money is not the most important thing in life. This frees you from money, and on one level instantly makes you financially free!

So every time you start to strive to make more money, stop and be grateful for what you already have. You’ll soon realize how effortless it was to receive the easy rewards of financial prosperity on down the road.

3. Transform Limiting Beliefs into Abundant Feelings.

Take a close look at each of your key beliefs that make you feel like you’re lacking money and flip them upside-down. Imagine tasting the opposite feeling of every poverty stricken thought you think.

Some of these limiting old beliefs may sound like, “There is not enough money for me” or “I have to work extra long hours to be financially free.”

When you hear yourself thinking ANY of these thoughts, just yell “STOP” in your mind so that it echoes throughout your inner Universe.

Then, proclaim the truth to the Universe by stating, “I am a Divine Being who is naturally abundant and free!” Say this affirmation over and over everyday FEELING it penetrating into every cell in your body.

4. Take Massive Inspired Actions.

If you are waiting for financial abundance to come your way, and yet not acting on those inspiring thoughts that mysteriously do come your way, then it may be a long time before anything miraculous happens to your bank account. It is ridiculous to think you can manifest abundance by sitting on the couch watching TV.

Every action you do is sending out an energetic frequency into the world.

The movement of your body shifts the molecules inside your mind and transforms those quantum-manifesting particles around you on a subatomic level. This means your energetic movement is directly linked to the types of things you manifest or don’t manifest into your life.

When you take actions from an inspired open heart, you’re sending out positive expansive energy, which magnetizes even more abundance! So take a moment to tune into your heart and find out what it’s really excited and inspired to do.

Then take the first action step that inspires you (it may be small), and then add on another one. Keep it up for a few hours and you will soon feel a sweet momentum of energy that will catapult you forward into the financial abundance you are seeking.

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