Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Science of Getting Rich Lesson 3

How to Control Your Thoughts

2 Life Changing Techniques to Gain Mastery Over Your Thoughts
Your thoughts are your most powerful asset! You and everything you experience in life are the direct result of your thoughts. The ability to control your thoughts will allow you to choose what experiences, people and the events you attract into your life.

In this lesson we'll explain exactly How to Control Your Thoughts.

Now, you may think this is going to be hard...after all, you think thousands of thoughts every single day. How would you monitor them all?

Fortunately, there is a shortcut...

We're going to teach you two techniques you can use to attain mastery over the thousands of thoughts streaming through your head each and every day.

The key to controlling your thoughts is to simply observe the emotions that come from the thought.


Understanding Emotions
All the emotions we feel, be it love, excitement, sorrow, fear, happiness, peace, anger, jealousy or joy - can fall into two categories.

Your feelings about something tell you very quickly whether you should or should not bring that thing into your life.

When you understand the Law of Attraction, you'll learn to become aware of the way you feel and to pay attention to these feelings because they're your soul's guidance system, and will to help you hone in on things that are truly right for you.

Here's an example:

As a kid you may have played a game called hot or cold. You would close your eyes and count to ten. A friend would hide something, say a toy, under a mattress or behind some books. When you're done counting and open your eyes, you now have to attempt to find the hidden toy.

Every time you move towards the location of the toy your friend would shout "WARM". If you moved away from the toy your friend would shout "COOLER". As you start to move towards the toy your friend would say "You're getting WARMER, WARMER..." And as you pinpoint the mattress and discover the toy, he'd shout "HOT - You found it!"

Well let me share something with you.

The Universe is your friend.
And the Universe plays this game with you EVERY single day.

But rather than say HOT or COLD, the Universe guides you with feelings. Positive feelings mean you're moving towards something good for you. Negative feelings mean you're headed in the wrong direction.

You may wake up one morning feeling negative about your job. The repetitive work is boring you, you feel underappreciated, you just don't feel you're doing something you love. The negative feelings are a sign from the Universe that you need to change direction immediately. Changing direction does not mean quitting your job this instant - but it does mean you need to do something to fix your present situation.

You might feel the same way about your marriage, your career, your body, your home - the negative feelings are alarm bells going off. The Universe is saying "Warning , You're thinking thoughts that are not the reality you wish to face. Keep thinking them and you'll only increase the likelihood of these situations coming to you. You need to find a way to change your thoughts FAST!".

Your Emotions are therefore, a warning system from your Soul. Pay attention to them, so that you'll only attract into your reality things that are good for you.


The Power of Gratitude
The first technique for thought control is simply called Expressing Gratitude

People who let the Law of Attraction work for them are a certain breed of people. You'll recognize them when you meet them.

They are often positive, joyful, in awe of the world, and full of love and compassion.

Sure, they sometimes face bad moments - feelings of despair, grief or sorrow, but they bounce back quickly. They seem to relish life itself.

A simple way to help you move into this state of joy and positive vibes is to start thinking about what you have to be thankful for.

And believe me, you have a LOT to be thankful for.

You may look at your 2-bedroom apartment, cheap car and 15" inch TV and compare yourself to wealthy people living today and feel that you have barely made it.

But think about this - you are richer than the richest people in the world living just 200 years ago. They did not have a "horseless carriage" that could carry them wherever they wanted to go. They could not use a phone to instantly communicate with anyone - anywhere in the world. They did not have a "magic story-telling box", what we would call a TV - to entertain them. 200 years ago, the amount of information that the average wealthy person could consume in a lifetime, would be no match for the amount you can consume in ONE DAY through the Internet.

You may have an average income - but you would not want to trade places with a "rich" man living just 200 years ago. You have much to be grateful for!

So to get the Law of Attraction working for you, express gratitude for what you have. Because here's the BIG secret - when you express gratitude for what you have - you allow the Universe to give you more.

Wallace Wattles hit the nail on its head when he said, "People who order their lives rightly in all areas are kept in poverty because of their lack of gratitude. Having received one gift from God, they cut the ties that connect them to God by failing to make acknowledgement."

Now here's an important thing...

The acknowledgment does not serve to boost the ego of some insecure Universal Consciousness or God. The Universe does not CARE if you're grateful or not.

Why this works is because when you express gratitude for what you have, you put YOURSELF in a frame of mind - one that's of joy and expectancy. Because you now focus on what you HAVE rather than what you DON'T HAVE, the energy you're sending out is I HAVE A LOT.

And in return the Law of Attraction has to reciprocate by giving you A LOT MORE.

Without gratitude, the energy you put out is I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH - and so, by the Law of Attraction, you'll keeping losing more and more until you don't have enough.

Jack Canfield explains how he uses the Power of Gratitude in his life...

AS I explained in the movie, The Secret, I am always grateful for all that I have in my life – I have a magnificent home … I have a tremendous wife …I love spending time with my family. And, I absolutely love what I do in my business every day. I HAVE the best … and, much to my surprise … it just keeps getting better anyway!

But the point is this – I was grateful when I had no home, no wife, no family and no business. You see, it doesn't matter where you are in life. There's a reason right NOW to express gratitude.

So do it. Get in the habit of it. Write your gratitude list every night, or say it out loud in the shower every morning. You'll notice in just a matter of days how long that list begins to grow – and what a change in attitude it creates for you … and that's where attraction finds its way to you.

How to Express Gratitude
It's really easy. Just decide to spend a few minutes each day to practice being thankful for what you have.

You could do it during:

Your morning commute
While in the shower
Just before going to bed at night.
In the morning, as soon as you wake up.
Some sample statements of gratitude you can use:
I'm so grateful for my body. It's treated me so well over the years and is aging gracefully. I'm happy with the way I look.

I'm grateful for having such an incredible family, for a spouse that loves me and for kids that are simply wonderful.

I'm grateful for being born me - for my house, car, family, health and the feeling of joy with which I pursue each and every day.

I'm so grateful now that I am earning _________ per month. I have a job I love, a career that I'm good at and I can afford anything I want for myself or my family.

I'm so happy and grateful now that money comes to me, in ever increasing quantities, through multiple sources of income, on a continuous basis.

Next...Thought Control when Something Bad Happens
But what if something particularly bad happens - an accident or sudden illness?

What do you do then?

The solution is a technique called Energy Redirection


The Energy Redirection Technique
We've already explained how your thoughts are energy. And that which you focus on, you attract.

The danger is that bad things do sometimes happen - accidents, illnesses, bad breakups, being laid off work. When this happens and you dwell on the sudden bad situation - you just create negative energy that amplifies the bad situation and keeps you locked in it for longer.

Fortunately, there is a powerful technique you can use to pull yourself out of bad situations. It's called the Energy Redirection Technique and is used by an 80 year-old meditation expert and energy healer in California called Burt Goldman. Burt learned the technique while studying with spiritual leaders and healers from around the world.

Often, a metaphor can show the way. So we'll let Burt tell you a story of an incident that would normally cause a great degree of stress in most people and how he applied the Energy Redirection Technique to this incident.

The Story of the Dented Fender
The incident took place during a class I was presenting. I was heading out to lunch at a nearby restaurant with 3 of my students, and offered to drive. As we approached my new car, we saw a big dent in the right front fender.

Someone had slammed into it while it was parked, and had driven off without even leaving a note on the windshield.The three students looked at me and waited for the blowup.

When I first saw that dented fender, my mind flew off into all kinds of directions. For a moment I could feel irritation and my body tightening with anger, and I knew immediately I had to redirect that negative mental activity at once. I used the Energy Redirection Technique and focused on finding a way to change the negative thoughts into positive action.

Jumping into the car I said to the three, "Let's go. There's a body and fender shop just down the street."

"You going to get it fixed right now?" One of the students asked.

"Nope." I answered, "What I'm going to do is to get a price on what it costs to repair the dent, and whatever that price turns out to be, I'm going to create something that I'm not doing right now, and I'm going to make three times the cost of the dent."

We drove to a nearby shop and I was told that the cost of repairing the fender would be $450.00. I immediately tripled the figure and thought, "$1,350, I've got to earn $1,350.00 with something new."

Now whenever I looked at the dent in my fender I didn't mentally start cursing the low life who dented it and ran off. No, not at all. Now when I looked at the dent I thought, "$1,350.00, I've got to earn $1,350.00."

I kept thinking of how I could make that amount of money. It had to be something that I was not doing at that time. I put on my Creative Hat and thought about it, and finally came up with the answer.

I would create a brand new seminar for my friends and if they liked it I would send out a mailing to all the people who had been through my classes, and would set a goal of making $1,350.00 from it!

And so I put the seminar together and did it for free-of-charge for fifteen friends. They loved it. I then sent out a mailing and conducted the new seminar.

Imagine my surprise when I realized that I had made more on that seminar than the new car cost! And all because someone dented my fender.

Emotions create Energy leading to Action
By focusing on the positive and using the Energy Redirection Technique, Burt allowed the Law of Attraction to work for him. He made the dented fender bring to his mind, not the negative feelings of loss - but the positive feeling of wanting to earn THREE times the cost of fixing that fender.

In Burt's story above - you can see how he looked at the dent, and saw something positive out of it.

He redirected his negative thoughts into positive ones, and set a goal of earning 3 times the money needed to fix the dent.

Now, of course, with the dominating thought in Burt's mind being the goal of earning money, he allowed the Law of Attraction to bring that into his reality.

The Energy Redirection Technique is really simple.
When faced with a bad situation - think of a way to turn it into a CHALLENGE.

Apply creativity to the situation and any negative event can be turned into an exciting challenge.

Now, we're not saying you need to forget or ignore the negative event. That can sometimes be very hard to do. But by finding a challenge, a goal - something that can motivate and inspire you - you now re-allocate a large chunk of your energy away from the negative thoughts.

In other words, thoughts that would otherwise be obsessed with the negative event can now be redirected and focused on something positive.

It's beautiful and so simple! Yet once you learn this, you can free yourself from the many negative thoughts that keep you trapped in present conditions.

As Burt said...after setting his goal of earning 3 times the cost of the dented fender, every time he looked at the fender, he would motivate himself by thinking "I have to earn more money". The negative thoughts, anger at the person who made the dent, frustration at having to fork out money to fix it - were all being DIFFUSED by the positive challenge.

Here are several more examples:
Bed-Ridden in Hospital: Decide that you're going to use this free time to learn something fun, say a new language. Now you're thinking about a new skill rather than focusing on your illness.

Got Laid Off: Set a goal to find a job that pays you 25% more than your previous job. Think about this new job and stop thinking about being laid off. Start job hunting. Do not hold any negative feelings towards your boss for laying you off. Instead, think of him as having done you a favor because you're now going to find a better job.

Someone Owes You Money and Refuses to Pay Up: Forgive them. As long as you hold a grudge, you're telling the Universe that you've lost money. And indeed, you'll attract the loss. Instead, set a goal to earn twice the amount of money you've lost.

Got Dumped: Decide that you'll find a new love. Someone better suited to you. Make a list of all the qualities you'd love to see in your ideal mate. Now focus on meeting this new person.

Lost a Business Due to Bankruptcy: Decide that you're going to rebuild a new business and regain your financial freedom. Set a goal to earn 3 times what you previously had. Bonus Points: Decide that you're going to earn so much more than you'll be able to repay all your debts - even though you legally may not have to.

Stay tuned for the next lesson . We're now moving into more advanced territory.
In Lesson 4:

The Magic of Thinking BIG
How to Set the RIGHT Goals

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