Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Science Of Getting Rich - Lesson 4

The Power of Thinking Big

How to Set Powerful Goals that Inspire You to Go Beyond the Ordinary

You've been following these lessons and have perhaps been touched by the Law of Attraction.

In Lesson 1 you learned about your latent inner power.

In Lesson 2, we discussed the Law of Attraction.

In Lesson 3, you learned how to master your thoughts.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to go further. You see, we each possess in us remarkable reserves of power -- just waiting to be tapped and properly channeled. And yet most of us lead quiet, ordinary lives.

Imagine for a moment, if Superman used his powers to do nothing more than save kittens stuck in trees. What a waste of potential! We laugh at an image like that.

But what we fail to realize is that most people, even if they do believe in the Law of Attraction, completely fail to live up to their full potential. Believing in the Law does not mean you're really using it.

In this lesson - we're going to EXPAND your mind to recognize and embrace your TRUE potential.


It Starts with Boosting Your Self-Esteem
In the video below, Jack Canfield Explains the Importance of Self-Esteem and What Happens When You Begin to
Recognize Your True Potential

How to Have a Life Beyond the Ordinary
Since we were kids, we've been conditioned to see ourselves as having limits.

Children are born free of mental baggage. They see themselves as capable of doing and being anything they choose. That's why as kids we dream of being astronauts or explorers or movie-stars. But as we get older - our minds get shackled. We slowly give up our dreams to fear, worry or feelings of lacking.

This is a big mistake. You see, it's as easy to manifest a million dollars as it is to manifest one dollar. It may take a little longer - but it's just as easy. But due to negative feelings and fears - few of us attempt such big dreams.

Instead, we settle for the ordinary and as a result fall into the current reality trap.

How many dreams have you given up on?

Here's a list of big goals that people often put off.

writing that book
starting that business
learning that language
having that baby
visiting that country
getting that degree
attending that seminar
starting that Internet business
Vow to stop putting down your dreams!

Regardless of what may be going on in your life, I’d suggest that you take the time to build a very clear image of the life you want. Then, hold that image – focus on it daily. Take the time to paint the image in your mind – paint the image with words on a sheet of paper first. Write it again and again, and when you do, mix it up a little. Picture yourself in different scenarios enjoying this result in your life.

I want you do to this at least once each day for a full month. As William James says, “You are depositing this image in the treasury of your subconscious mind. And when that happens … it will attract itself into your reality".

The first step to this of course, is deciding what this image is.


The First Step, Deciding What You Want

The Mind is Like a Drunken Monkey, Forever Jumping Around, Never Staying Steady
~ Zen Saying

The world and everything and everyone in it has a tendency to keep its conscious attention jumping from one idea or activity to another. The average individual has an ARRAY of unrelated subjects laying across the screen of his mind … the likes of which you’d have difficulty finding anywhere else outside of a common encyclopedia! There is no focus, no direction, and no stimulated, controlled thinking going on at all.

As Wallace Wattles mentions in this chapter, “You can never get rich or start the creative power into action by sending out unformed longings and vague desires.”

What Wallace is saying is this: Many of us are not sure what we want and so we get nowhere.

Here's the problem:

Let's say you decide you want to open a specific business, say a particular Internet home business. You've been dreaming about it - thinking about it - feeling the excitement at the prospect of being able to run your own profitable website.

Now of course as you're experiencing these feelings and thinking about it, the Law of Attraction starts going into action and things begin to happen to bring you towards this dream.

But then you have a friend approach you with a different business idea, say to open a restaurant. You suddenly get excited at this prospect. You now start to question the Internet Business idea.

Of course, as you're doing this, you continue using the Law of Attraction. But in the opposite way. The internet business that was coming your way...now gets pushed away. A whole new reality is being created - now a reality of you as a restaurant owner.

But it does not stop there. A few weeks later, your friend may decide that he no longer wants to go into that venture with you. Now you're back to square one. Two businesses were on their way into your reality - but your indecision had pushed them back.

Every time you dream of a new goal - you plant a little seed in the Universe. Focusing and thinking of the goal is like watering that seed. As you apply more thought to the goal - shoots finally begin to sprout and push out of the ground.

But way to often - it's at this point that we suddenly change our minds. And when we do that we push the shoots back into the ground. No beautiful plant takes shape. And in terms of our goals - we move back to square one.

To overcome indecision - think carefully about what you want. And stick to it as long as your feelings about it stay positive.


The Second Step, Think BIG

Remember, the Law of Attraction implies that anything is within your field of possibility if you desire it strongly, believe in it, and take action towards it.

If you had a genie ready to grant your wishes, would you ask for something small? Say a chocolate milkshake?

No. You'd be nuts. You'd be asking for bigger things. A business, a soul-mate, glorious health, glorious wealth.

The Law of Attraction is like a genie. So don't squander your potential on small things.

Now here's why it's important to think big. There is so much that can be improved in the world. There is much you can contribute.

But you cannot do this by being mediocre.

Jose Silva, the founder of Silva Method studied the Law of Attraction for many years and one of the things he found was that the Law of Attraction works best for you and you can ask for something that will not just benefit you, but others too.

Setting a goal of getting a $1000 raise is a small goal. There's not much you can do to benefit the world with that extra $1000 per month. But setting a goal to run your own business and earn $50,000 a month is a good goal. With that money you can not only create a good life for your family, but also donate money to your favorite charities or fund neighborhood projects.

You owe it not just to yourself - but to the world - to THINK BIG.

So how do you tell if your goal is big enough?

Joe Vitale, one of the teachers from the Secret has a wonderful quote.

A good goal should SCARE you a little.
~ Joe Vitale

That simple quote sums up some really important lessons.

If the goal doesn't excite you, well you're not going to attract it. Remember what we learned in lesson 2.

Goals that EXCITE you are the type that let you pour your heart and soul into them. The bigger the goals - the more excited about it you can get.

Now let's look at the second part of that quote. "Scare you a little."

If you don't feel a tiny bit nervous about the goal - odds are you're THINKING TOO SMALL.

Apply this principle to your goals. Do they excite you? Do they scare you a little?

Those that do are probably the right ones.


Step Three, Share Your Goals with the People Who Matter

Does your business partner share your vision and goals for your business?

Do your spouse and kids share your goal of moving out of the city?

It's important to share your goals with people who matter. Especially people whose lives will be greatly influenced by you attaining these goals.

The Law of Attraction applies to all of us - all of the time and helps shape our reality - but it also shapes the reality of those closest to us.

If your spouse dreams of moving into a country house while you dream of moving into a city apartment, your goals are not aligned. You may cancel each other out, be greatly unhappy or for better or worse - both of you may get what you desire - but minus each other. The same applies to businesses - are your partners and employees sharing your vision?

There are certain goals you may want to keep private though. Perhaps a crazy idea you're not yet ready to share. These are often called Pocket Goals. It's okay to keep these private and hidden.

We all influence each other in profound ways. We can help one another attain a goal when we're aligned. But we can also create barriers for one another when our goals pull us in different directions.

Why You Can't Win the Lottery
This helps us answer a common question. If the Law of Attraction is so Powerful why can't I use it to win the Lottery?

You cannot use it to win the lottery simply because while you may be dreaming of this - millions of others who bought tickets are also trying to attract this. All of you cancel out each others intentions!

Setting a goal to win the lottery is a lousy goal - the lottery winnings are limited. But setting a goal to earn money through honest means is not. Abundance is unlimited.

Spread the Message
As we all influence each other, it is important to share our goals with people who matter. If your family members and business associates are aware of the Law of Attraction. Their success will only help reinforce your own.

This is perhaps why The Secret DVD spread so rapidly to millions around the world. A lot of people brushed it off to good marketing. I don't believe this. I think it spread because people realized that this knowledge would greatly improve the lives of their loved ones - and thus, impact their own lives and dreams.

In the same way, I hope you'll forward these lessons to your loved ones and friends. Ask them to sign up for this 7 Part Free Course.

James Allen said, "You don’t get what you want … you get what you ARE." You have rich resources lying dormant within you. The development of what lies there inside you will cause the manifestation of prosperity into your material world … the creation of healthy, giving relationships … and successful endeavors in whatever you choose to do.

You simply must Decide what it is you want..... Ask, believing that you will receive it.... and then Open up and gratefully receive it.

Let’s think about this in regard to earning money … Although the differences in what you’ve earned over the last 12 months and what you choose to earn over the next 12 months might be great, the change in your personality is usually very small … it’s all a matter of CHOOSING – and changing– your thought.

Your right to life means your right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary for your physical, mental spiritual unfolding - in other words, your right to be rich. We have the RIGHT to choose, the ability to choose what we’re going to have … “Ask and it will be given.”


Stay tuned for the next lesson . We're in for an exciting journey.
In Lesson 5:
The Step-by-Step Process for Manifesting Your Dreams
How to Create the Right Mental Attitude for Attraction
Powerful Tools to Harness the Law
Think Big - Fulfill Your True Potential

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