Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prosperity Strategy #1 Kill the Worry

If you had any idea how destructive worry really is, you'd do everything in your power to stay FAR AWAY from it! Are you familiar with the Law of Attraction!

The Law of Attraction is activated by your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, an expectations. Whatever you're thinking about, feeling and focusing on in any given moment sends a specific "signal" to the universe, and the universe then returns corresponding situations, experiences and events in your life.

Are you starting to see exactly why worry can cause big problems in your life? Whenever you worry about something, you are essentially "asking" the universe to send you more of it! Yikes!

Every time you enter into a mental state of panic and have thoughts like these: "Oh my goodnes, I don't have enough money, what am I going to do? How am I going to pay the bills this month? I don't have enough money, I don't have enoug money, I don't have enought money!!!" the universe actually hears, "I choose the reality of not having enough money. Please send me more experiences that will reinforce my perception of lack.

If you want to blast lack out of your life once and for all -- make it your most important mission in your life to STOP WORRYING! Get rid of fear, anxiety, worry and all emotions that correspond with lack in any form.

Instead, keep affirming over and over again that you always have more than enough money, and more than enough of everything you need. Really put your full focus and conviction into choosing to believe it, and you'll gradually shift your reality so it becomes true. (It may take a little time before the new beliefs take root, so keep with it even if it doesn't seem to be helping right away!)

More Prosperity Strategies coming...

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