Saturday, October 25, 2008

How to "Allow" Prosperity and Abundance


"Allowing" means being in a state of non-resistance. What exactly
is a state of non-resistance? I would describe it as a state of
feeling VERY relaxed, happy, abundant, joyful and confident that
everything will work out for your highest good.

How often do you feel that way? If you're like most people, not
often enough! In fact, much of the time you might swing to the far
end of the spectrum and deal with constant aggravation, stress,
frustration, and lack-focused problems.

Here's a good way to get into the practice of "allowing" the things
you want. Find a quiet place to be alone, sit or lie peacefully,
close your eyes and imagine that you already have what you want.
Whether that's more money, greater peace and happiness, or anything
else. Bring it to mind and imagine exactly how you'd feel if you had
it right now.

Within minutes you should be feeling very relaxed and happy! Yep,
that's allowing! :-)



Today I remember that money is simply energy and I can attract more
of it by feeling positively about it.

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