Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Get The Most Out Of Inspired Action


Action isn't always necessary when working with the Law of
. Sometimes things just happen spontaneously and good
things (including money) fall right into your lap! I've had it
happen and it's thrilling every time!

However, sometimes the universe doesn't so much grant your wishes as
it provides a way for YOU to bring the desired outcome into being.
We call this inspired action.

How do you know when the universe is giving you an inspired action?
Most often it will show up as a fantastic opportunity or an inner
nudge that you should take a particular action. Sometimes it may
seem illogical, like you'll set an intention to get a better-paying
job, then later that night or the next day you'll suddenly feel like
you should go to the grocery store even though you really don't need
anything. If you listen to that hunch, you might run into someone
you haven't seen in years, who just so happens to have a great job
opening in his company that you would be perfect for!

That's just one example; it can happen in so many ways it would be
impossible to list them all. The bottom line is, listen to your

If you feel a hunch or a nudge to do something specific, do it! You
just never know what the universe has orchestrated in order to
fulfill your wishes. :-)



Today I open to the perfect opportunities I need to achieve my
objectives. I effortlessly attract the right people, resources, and
intuitive insight that will lead me to my chosen outcome.


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