Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Attract Abundance - EASILY!

Have you ever believed that attracting money and other forms of abundance was difficult? Most of us have at one time or another. Here's the problem with that viewpoint: according to the Law of Attraction, it must be true!

For years I labored under a belief that I had to work hard to make money. When I worked really hard, I had plenty of money. When I stopped working hard, the money stopped coming in. No big surprise, right?

What WAS a surprise, however, was what happened when I began changing that belief. Little by little, I began to notice that money was coming to me more easily. At first it was small amounts; $10 here and $20 there. But the more I strengthened my new belief that money comes to me easily, the amounts and frequency began to grow. Before long I had created a daily game where I would visualize prosperity flowing effortlessly into my life, and then watch it happen on a physical level shortly afterwards.

If you could see a snapshot of my life several years ago and another one from today, you'd be astounded at the difference! And YOU can create these same changes in your own life too.

Here's a simple 3-step process for making prosperity attraction EASY:

1) Explore your beliefs about money and abundance. The tricky thing about beliefs is that they are often subconscious. You may not even realize you have limiting beliefs about abundance until you begin really examining how you feel. Take some time to ask yourself questions like these and write down your answers:

- Do I really believe that money can come to me easily?

- Why or why not?

- My biggest obstacle in attracting more money right now is . . .

- My relationship with money is . . .

- I just don't believe that . . .

- I want to believe that . . .

Be sure not to censor your answers. Just let them fly right out! Believe me, once you start delving into these concepts you'll gain a lot of clarity about yourself and your beliefs!

2) Begin changing your beliefs. As an example let's say you discovered a belief that you can't receive money except through your job, and your job doesn't offer any chances for advancement. Obviously, such a belief will keep you locked in place financially! How would you change this belief? I'd do two things:

- First, begin affirming constantly that money can come to you in limitless ways - both expected and unexpected! Just because YOU can't see any possibilities doesn't mean the universe can't. In fact, sometimes you'll be astounded at the miracles that can happen when you believe in the possibilities.

- Second, do what you can to help the universe work on your behalf. That means creating "gateways" through which abundance can enter your life. You might apply for a better job that offers more opportunity for advancement; or start your own part-time business. You can enter contests, sweepstakes, and buy lottery tickets (do this moderately; don't put yourself into debt thinking you'll have a better chance of winning - if you really want to win you can do so with one ticket as easily as you can with several). If you happen to see an opportunity to receive more abundance, go for it! Sometimes the universe will send you a fantastic opportunity or give you a little nudge in a certain direction. Always pay attention to these and give them your best shot. Even if they don't create a windfall immediately, they may lead to more opportunities later.

Ultimately there are no right or wrong ways to change your beliefs. Probably the simplest way is to keep reinforcing the opposite belief until it replaces your old belief, and take action when you can; but listen to your heart for the ways that work best for you. YOU are your own best expert! :-) Let your intution guide you and you cannot go wrong.

3) Finally, be patient with yourself. I've made a lot of progress over the past few years, but I still have moments where I slip back into that old thinking again! It will probably happen that way for you too. Remember that changing your beliefs is a PROCESS, not a one-time event. Give yourself some time to make that inner adjustment. When you notice that you've slipped back into old lack-focused thoughts, simply clear your mind and start fresh again. The more you do it, the easier it will become!

There is also a great method for attracting money that's about as easy as it gets: sitting in an armchair with your eyes closed!
The Science of Getting Rich

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