Saturday, October 11, 2008

Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting

The more we learn about the Law of Attraction, the more we understand the importance of choosing to spend more time feeling good and less time feeling bad. From watching movies like the Secret, we know the importance of "feeling good" because we vibrate according to our emotions.

While this may seem like a simple concept at first glance, applying it to our lives can often seem like an impossible challenge.

We all have days when we naturally feel good. You can probably recall a day or two when you woke up feeling energized and excited about the day ahead of you, or perhaps you can remember a few experiences when you found yourself humming for no particular reason.

But let's be honest: how often do those days happen? For most of us, not very.

I'd venture a guess that most of us live our lives in an emotional void of numbness, while occasionally venturing into positive or negative emotions. Think about it: much of the time we're not aware that we're "feeling" anything. We simply focus on what we have to do and go about our days in a state of emotional disconnection. Like everyone else, we're on autopilot until something happens that moves us in one direction or another.

A vehicle breakdown, a fight with our spouse, the birth of a baby in the family, or perhaps happy surprise at bumping into an old friend - these experiences shake us out of our numbness and remind us that we are indeed emotional creatures.

If it's true that we attract experiences according to the "vibrations" we send out to the universe and those vibrations are created (or activated) by our emotions, we are faced with a major challenge: how do we stay focused on positive emotions, and turn our attention away from negative emotions? How do we learn to disregard minor (and major) aggravation in our lives and become conscious creators by focusing more on the positive?

This was the topic of an excellent book I read recently: "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting," by Lynn Grabhorn. With a practical and easy-to-read (not to mention downright humorous) style, Ms. Grabhorn provides a simple process for "flowing energy" in the right direction.

In fact, the book actually got my emotions flowing even as I was reading it! I found myself laughing out loud and having little "aha!" moments every few pages. Even knowing as much as I like to think I know about the Law of Attraction, this book was a great wake-up call for me, in more ways than one.

First, the way the book arrived in my hands was very Law-of-Attraction-ish! :-) I'd heard this book mentioned in various online discussion forums, and the people who had read it raved about it. I made a mental note to get a copy of the book, but as with so many other things I intend to do, I never got around to it.

Then one day I received an email with the title of the book as the subject. Intrigued, I opened the email and found a nice letter from a woman named Yolanda Carden, a publicist for FSB Associates. Yolanda wanted to know if I'd be interested in reading Ms. Grabhorn's book and reviewing it for my website and blog readers. Why, yes I WOULD, Yolanda, thank you! (I joked with Yolanda that the universe must be working through her to get me to read this book! LOL) Yolanda popped a copy of the book in the mail for me, and voila - my intention to read the book was fulfilled!

Let's pause for a moment and examine this because it's an important part of learning how to use the Law of Attraction in your own life. I wanted to read this book. I set an intention to read the book. I let go of it (not even really on purpose, I just didn't do anything about my intention). The universe found a way to deliver the book directly into my hands. I didn't even have to leave my house, it was delivered to my doorstep! How amazing and funny is that? :-)

This experience is a great example of detaching from the outcome and letting the universe work on my behalf. I didn't feel inspired to take action in this situation, and I didn't need to. It could have easily gone the other way too, of course. I could have been driving along one day and felt compelled to pull into the parking lot of my local bookstore, and Ms. Grabhorn's book would have jumped out at me from the shelf. Stranger things have happened.

Besides receiving the book in an unusual way (which was amazing enough), it turns out the universe had another surprise in store for me. For the preceding few months before I received this book, I had been existing in a kind of emotional void like I described above. I wasn't unhappy or frustrated, but neither was I enthusiastic or joyful. I was working a lot of hours, trying to get some new projects going, and I was spending a lot of time on activities that weren't exactly thrilling.

I didn't notice it at the time but I had been sinking slowly and steadily into a sense of mundane obligation and drudgery. I awoke each morning with a to-do list running through my head, and my days were spent in a fog of "gotta's".

However, the further I got into reading, "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting," the more I seemed to awaken from my emotionless slumber. I realized that it's not enough to avoid focusing on the negative. That's a great start, but it's not the end. Ms. Grabhorn illustrates the importance of learning to consciously "flow" our energy toward what we want, consistently and effectively.

If I could share with you the most profound insight I got from this book, it would be this: We have to choose. In fact, we ARE choosing, every moment of every day. Just because we don't consider ourselves to be "negative" people, we still might not be taking an active, conscious role in creating the lives we want. We can, though.

If you've been struggling with the concept of feelings and the Law of Attraction, "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting" is a MUST READ. It will open your eyes and your mind to the power of emotions - and give you the awareness to choose them for maximum effectiveness.

In the meantime, make a conscious effort to choose how you feel - and you will choose what you experience!

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