Thursday, October 23, 2008

Count Your Blessings

"If you don' t feel grateful for what you have, what makes you think that you will be happy with more?"
Author unknown

Why is this so important? Gratitude and appreciation are some of the most transformative energies that are available to us. The Universe acts much like a giant photocopier -- bringing you more and more of what you already claim to have. Gratitude is becoming consciously aware of all that is there for us in life, and then acknowledging the gift.

Beneficial effects of counting your blessings

Having an attitude of gratitude AND practicing gratitude, has several major beneficial effects:

*It will change your life from lack to prosperity,

*From sickness to health and harmony,

*From struggle to abundance and quality of life.

*It will help you focus on what you want rather on what you do not want.

*It will raise your 'feeling good' vibration, and

*Help you remember how good your life really is!

*You will feel abundant and naturally produce more abundance in your life.

*You get to know yourself better.

*Brings out your natural beauty and wisdom.

*Helps you identify your values.

*Reveals the depth of who you are.

*Is life empowering.

*Supports you to detach and let go of the past.

* Is fun, playful and can be humorous.

*Creates more positive results in your life.

*Improves congruency and integrity.

*Brings about turning points in your life.

*Helps you achieve balance, clarity and peace of mind.

* Helps to recreate your self.

*Changes your state of consciousness.

*You move out of reactionary emotions and take charge of your personal energy.

Vibrational feeling

Gratitude is definitely the mother of all creation. When you do not appreciate and express gratitude for everything that's happening in your life, including your challenges, it puts you in a vibrational feeling that attracts to you more of what you do not have or what you are unhappy with.

Gratitude is an affirmation of ownership, responsibility, and appreciation. It affirms your connectedness to and participation in the life force that sustains you.
Gratitude is a choice. It is a choice to see things differently. When choosing to be grateful, you are focusing on all the things that are good or right in your life as opposed to the things that are not.

Gratitude Journal

A great idea for expressing your gratitude is to keep what is known as a "Gratitude Journal". You could purchase a journal. There are some beautiful ones at bookstores or you could create your own. Perhaps decorate a hard covered book with a montage of magazine cuttings of your favourite things on the cover?

I recommend keeping your Gratitude Journal in a private place where only you have access. Whatever time suits your routine best is your "time-out" to send notes and thoughts of gratitude - truckloads of thanks - to the force out there that you acknowledge as your source or creator, depending on your beliefs.

For me, first thing in the morning, around 5, is the best time to journal. Then, when I go out for my early morning nature walk, jog or swim, I do a Walking Gratitude Meditation. I thank every part of my body from my toes upwards, including every cell, muscle, bone and organ in my body. I say: "Thank you toes. Thank you feet for carrying me and moving me forward in life. Thank you legs for being strong and carrying my body ... " and so on. Then I look around me and express gratitude for the beauty and abundance of nature - the blue sky, the green leaves on the trees, the smell of the forest, the breeze on my face ...

Start to focus on abundance

When you start to focus on the abundance, rather than the lack in your life, you will start to design a wonderful new blueprint for your future. As you express your gratitude for even the smallest things, really feel your connectedness and your sense of gratefulness and be open to miracles in your life.

Choose words of 'light'

When you write or think choose words of "light"- grateful words, beautiful words, compassionate words, kind words, bright words, encouraging words, charitable words, joyous words and loving words. Your words are expressions of you, your higher self, your soul.

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