Monday, December 15, 2008

Expectations and Abundance


When it comes to abundance and prosperity, expectations are vitally

If you've studied the Law of Attraction at all, you know that your
thoughts and emotions release an energetic frequency out to the
Universe. Whatever is vibrating at this same frequency will be pulled
into your reality. If you emit low vibrations like anger, fear, or
cynicism, you will attract corresponding experiences and events. If
you emit high vibrations like joy, love, and passion, you will again
attract corresponding experiences and events.

Another important part of this process, however, involves your
expectations. Perhaps you can remember expecting something that did
indeed happen. Sometimes we do this in a positive way: "Today is
going to be a great day, I just know it!" and sometimes we do it in a
negative way: "Ugh - today is going to be 'one of those days'."

Expectations can be powerful, especially if they are backed up with
firm conviction and unwavering faith.

Below you'll find some simple tips to help you learn to expect the
best - and get it!

- First, you must choose to expect the best in every situation. This
will be challenging if you don't have full control of your thoughts
yet. Keep at it! Keep saying things like, "I know this is going to
work out for the best," or "I know I will turn this situation to my
advantage somehow."

- Avoid negative talk like the plague. By "negative talk" I mean
complaining, arguing, or doom predictions - anything that drags down
your emotions and contradicts your positive expectations. Try to
always phrase your statements in a positive way. Instead of saying,
"This won't be easy," say, "I can handle this."

- KNOW that your expectation will come true. You may wonder how to
"know" when you really don't know yet! If it hasn't happened yet, how
can you be sure it will? This type of knowing is based solely on
faith. You are CHOOSING to know. It might take awhile to get
comfortable with this, but once you do it becomes a lot easier.



Today is the day I begin believing in myself, my potential, and my
ability to turn my life into whatever I dream it can be.


Positive Motivation

Positive Motivation

Self-Worth Starts With Self-Care

Chaos, turmoil and lack usually begin within. It may seem like your
problems exist solely outside of yourself, but your inner state of
mind and mood patterns are what have a strong effect on your
surroundings. When you are scattered and chaotic within, you cannot
help but transfer that condition to your surroundings and attract
more of the same.

If you want to attract better outer circumstances, you have to start
within. One good way to start is with a daily habit of self-care.

Here are three ways to help you make self-care a priority and shift
all areas of your life back into balance:

1) Take time for yourself.

When your life is stressful or busy you might be tempted to dismiss
the importance of personal time, but doing so only makes you feel
more stressed. Remember, "All work and no play . . ." makes YOU a
very unhappy person!

When you take time to do things you enjoy each day, you end up
feeling happier and stronger from within. As a result, you begin
attracting more situations that make you feel happy and strong.

Try setting aside 30 minutes for yourself each day. During that time
you can exercise, read, engage in creative hobbies, or simply watch
your favorite sitcom on television. Whatever you do, DON'T allow
yourself to feel guilty or obsess about what other tasks you could be
getting done during those 30 minutes. Instead, affirm that you
deserve some downtime, and allow yourself to enjoy it. Then you can
return to your normal activities feeling refreshed and energized.

2) Get adequate rest.

Another thing people often do when they're unhappy or stressed is
start cutting into the time they need for sleep (or even just rest
and relaxation). Unfortunately, this only creates major mental and
physical drains and the only way to recharge is by getting enough
rest. If this describes you, you have probably noticed your focus and
stamina beginning to slip. You may find yourself feeling more
irritable, impatient, fatigued, or just plain stressed. Unless you
begin treating your body a little more gently, the problem will only
get worse - which will, of course, continue to reflect into your
outer circumstances!

It may not seem like you can afford to set aside a full 8 hours for
sleep each night, but your efficiency (not to mention your overall
well-being) depends on it! Don't believe me? Commit to trying it for
one week. Make it priority to get a full night's sleep no matter
what, and watch in amazement as you are suddenly better able to
function in all areas of your life: your focus will be stronger,
you'll feel more optimistic, you'll be more confident - and YES,
you'll notice that everything in your life just seems to FLOW more

3) Strengthen your spiritual connection.

Does your spiritual practice consist of a once-weekly visit to
church or a few rapidly uttered prayers before bedtime? Or do you
spend time connecting with your inner spirit on a daily basis? Did
you know that current research indicates that spiritual people
typically experience less stress and better health than non-spiritual

But that's not all - you'll actually be able to manifest the things
you want more easily if you aren't distracted by external "chatter"
from your surroundings!

(It's important to note that spirituality has nothing to do with
religion, unless your religion happens to help you connect
spiritually; but you don't have to be religious to be spiritual.
Spirituality (in this context) is all about connecting to your
center; the part of you that is connected to something larger than
yourself. Whatever name you apply to this "larger something" depends
on your existing belief system, but even if you don't have a specific
name for it don't let that stop you from connecting to your inner
self in a deeper, more profound way.)

The point is to spend time turning your attention within through
meditation or prayer. When you shut out outer distractions and focus
on the peace and harmony within you, you automatically feel lighter
and more balanced - and your outer circumstances will begin to shift
almost immediately.


Today's Prosperity Tip


One of the most powerful ways to increase the abundance in your own
life is by giving to others. Though it may seem like a contradiction,
the more you give away the more you'll have.

How is this possible? If you give everything you have, doesn't that
leave you with nothing? How does the act of giving create a return?

The answer lies in our perception of a limited universe. We believe
that what we have is limited and if we take from someone else, we
have more and they have less. If we give to someone else, they have
more and we have less.

Most of us are not taught the reciprocal nature of the universe -
which means we tend to get back what we put out. You may have heard
that what you focus on the most expands, or that "like attracts
like." But pause for a moment and consider this in a broader sense.

You may be able to recall instances when you did something nice for
someone and received a pleasant surprise in return. Likewise, if you
harmed someone or took from someone out of greed, you probably
received a negative consequence in return (even if it showed up later).

Think of the universe as a great big mirror. Whatever you believe,
you will receive. What you do unto others you also do unto yourself.
This is good news because you can use this principle to increase your
own abundance in ways that also greatly enhance the lives of others.

However, you cannot give from an empty cup! In order to activate
the reciprocity of the universe, you need to feel and believe that
you have much to give. Whether you give from an abundance of money,
time, resources, compassion or anything else - believe you are
abundant and focus on making others feel more abundant too!



Today I remember that the love, compassion and encouragement I share
with others is in direct proportion to the abundance and joy I
receive from the universe.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Power-FULL Tool for Change!

Living From Gratitude

You hear it all the time; "Gratitude is powerful!" Have you ever
wondered just HOW powerful?

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, gratitude creates a super-
charged boost of energy that attracts all wonderful things into your
life. You've probably heard that before. But why is it so powerful?
One reason is because you're focusing on the positive, so you
automatically attract more positive experiences into your life -
you've probably heard that before too.

But what you may not know is what happens ENERGETICALLY when you're
focusing on gratitude. Remember that the Law of Attraction is
activated according to your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and
expectations. Whatever you think, feel, believe and expect is what
you'll get.

What does this have to do with gratitude? To answer that question,
consider what you are thinking, feeling, believing and expecting when
you feel grateful and appreciative.

- You feel blessed.

- You feel abundant.

- You feel happy.

- You feel content.

- You feel secure.

- You feel like all is right in your world.

And when you focus on these types of feelings, you are sending a
strong message to the universe that all of these things are TRUE. And
you know what the universe says? "You're absolutely right! Here's
your wealth. Here's some more joy. Here's some more good stuff -
thanks for asking for it, I've been trying to send it to you but you
wouldn't let it in!"

I've long believed in the power of gratitude, but it didn't fully
come clear to me until recently when I set an intention to "Live From
Gratitude" for an entire day. "Living From Gratitude" meant that I
would give sincere thanks for everything I experienced, saw, felt,
heard or did that day. Let me tell you, that's a LOT of gratitude! :-)

I must have said "thank you" thousands of times that day. The moment
I opened my eyes that morning, I began giving thanks for everything
in my life. I called to mind my friends and family, my job, my home,
my health - even my cats. And I gave thanks for them. Not just
"surface thanks," but deep, heartfelt gratitude.

As I went about my normal daily activities, I thanked the universe
for everything I touched or experienced. As I washed the dishes, I
said, "Thank you for these dishes to hold the food we eat, and thank
you for the food we eat! Thank you for this silverware - it was a
wedding gift to my husband and I; and thank you for my wonderful

The whole time I worked at my job I said over and over, "Thank you
for my work and the way it fulfills me. Thank you for the opportunity
to earn money doing something I love. Thank you for the ways my work
challenges me and reminds me that I'm stronger than I often think I

As I moved through my day, I gave thanks for my feet as I walked,
for my lungs as I breathed, for my eyes as I looked at the world
around me, and I gave thanks for every person I encountered - and

A lot of great things happened as a result of that one day of Living
From Gratitude - too many to list here. Overall, I'd have to say that
true miracles happened. My income for that day ended up being TRIPLE
what it normally is. I received a couple of fantastic opportunities
that I've begun working on, and good things happened everywhere I

But that outer stuff is just the icing on the cake. The TRUE GIFT of
that day is the way I felt. Everything suddenly seemed so SACRED.
Everything in my life was good. I was good. I was happy. I was at
peace. I wasn't stuck or struggling or fearful or frustrated.

My heart and mind were lifted to a place that few people get to
experience. It was a deeply moving, spiritual experience on all

I have NEVER experienced a day more POWER-FULL as that one! In fact,
it was so powerful that I've since adopted it as an ongoing intention
every day. And yes, every day becomes more magical than the one

If you've never given gratitude a fair chance or if you've been
lukewarm in your application of it, try "Living From Gratitude" for
one day. Just one day. Give thanks for everything you see, feel,
hear, do and experience. It will blow your mind! :-)

As a side note, this same process can be used on things that you
don't yet have, but want to attract! For example, if you're trying to
attract a better job, spend the whole day saying, "Thank you so much
for my wonderful new job! It pays so well and I get to do work I
truly LOVE, and I am so thankful for that!" Don't just say the words;
really focus on FEELING the feelings of gratitude and appreciation.
The words mean nothing without the feelings.



Positive Quotes of the Day

"I thank You God for this most amazing day; for the leaping greenly
spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes."

- e.e. cummings

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn
from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you
by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while
I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails
into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself
taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world,
your return."

- Mary Jean Iron


Positive Motivation

Can Gratitude Help You Attract More Money?


Gratitude is one emotion that works hand in hand with the Law of
Attraction, especially where money is concerned. Where financial lack
is present, there is a blockage of energy - some form of resistance
is preventing the natural flow of abundance into the person's life.

This can be difficult to understand by traditional lines of thought.
Perhaps you are used to thinking of money as a tangible object that
you have to obtain, like most people do. However, with the Law of
Attraction, there is nothing to obtain, but rather ALLOW.

"Allowing," as it relates to the Law of Attraction, means being in a
state of non-resistance. In other words, not blocking the flow of
abundance or goodness into your life. Unfortunately, a focus on lack
or struggle automatically creates blockages!

Gratitude is one easy way to dissolve those blockages and get the
flow moving again. Below are 3 ways to use gratitude to attract more
money into your life:

1) Be grateful for the money you have now.

This is obvious, but it's something that people often overlook when
they've been focused on lack for too long. No matter how little money
you have right now, you need to move yourself into a state of
appreciation and gratitude for having it at all. If it helps, you can
remind yourself that some people have far less than you do.

When you pay bills, take a moment to appreciate the product or
service that created it. You have already received something in
return for that money, so feel grateful about being able to give
something back.

2) Be grateful for the money you can't yet see.

Even though you may be used to focusing on lack with fearful or
anxious thoughts, begin focusing on it with gratitude. Affirm that
even though you can't see the flow of abundance in your life yet, you
do know it's there. Marvel at the way the universe allows you to
create your own reality through the power of perception, and affirm
your desire to expand your awareness of the abundance all around you.

3) Be grateful for all forms of abundance.

Abundance comes in many forms, not just monetary wealth. Make it a
daily habit to express your gratitude and appreciation for the
wonderful things and people in your life. Be thankful for your loved
ones and friends, your job, your pets, and anything else you can
think of. Affirm that it ALL comes from the same flow of abundance
that money comes from, and by allowing more of all forms of
abundance, you will also be allowing more money to enter your life.


Increasing Your Prosperity Awareness


If you've held a lack mentality for any length of time, you have
likely reduced your awareness of the prosperity that exists all
around you and gotten used to seeing lack and shortage everywhere you

You know how they put "blinders" on horses so they can't see
peripherally and get spooked or distracted? You've got your own kind
of blinders on - ones that blot out your ability to see true
abundance. It's time to take the blinders off! Here's how:

1) Switch your perspective.

Because you're so used to focusing on lack and scarcity, you may
need to consciously switch your perspective in every situation until
it becomes a habit. A good way to start is by paying attention to the
times when you begin focusing on lack. If you feel stressed when it's
time to pay your bills, or you get angry when an unexpected expense
arises or when you miss an opportunity - make a conscious decision to
alter your perspective in these moments.

Rather than feeling stressed about paying your bills, affirm that
you always have more than enough money to cover them, even if you
have to juggle a few things around. Affirm that just like you
received the money you have right now, you will receive more again.

2) Tune into the natural abundance around you.

A great way to become aware of the abundance around you is to spend
time in a natural setting. Take an afternoon visit to a local park,
public gardens, or even your own back yard. Sit quietly and take in
your surroundings. Notice the abundance of plant and animal life, and
see how effortlessly everything blooms into life. Think about the
process that takes place in the cycles of nature: how a seed is
planted, watered and given sunlight and begins to grow into something

3) Go on a prosperity hunt.

Have you ever participated in an Easter egg hunt? Adults hide
colorful plastic eggs filled with toys and candy, children go on a
"hunt" to find them and keep whatever they find. You can do the same
thing in your own life, but seek prosperity instead of eggs. Travel
new pathways and look for prosperity wherever you go. Look more
closely at the people you encounter, and expand your awareness of
places and situations to find the hidden egg of prosperity that
exists there.

Prosperity lurks under every bush, within every flower, in every
location, in every smile you receive and give, and in every situation
you experience in life. You just need to recognize it and embrace it
and it will be yours.



Today I say YES to abundance, and ignore lack completely.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Passion Is POWER!


No matter what you do in life, doing it with passion and enthusiasm
can immediately energize the Law of Attraction to work to your
benefit. Does it sound too good to be true?

Consider this:

- Passion can inspire clarity and insight about the right path for
you. Though there really aren't any "wrong" paths in life, there are
certainly easier ones and more difficult ones! The more passionate
you feel about something, the more meaningful and important it will

- Passion blots out fear and resistance. How can you feel anxious
when you're feeling great about what you're doing? The more you focus
on passion and enthusiasm for your activities, the less likely you
are to experience fear or worry.

- Passion keeps you firmly in the present moment. When you immerse
yourself in what you're doing at the moment, there is little chance
of you worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. This allows
you to devote more of your focus to your current activities, which
will allow you to better enjoy them, as well as intensify the results
you get from them.

- Passion directs a stronger intensity of energy toward your desired
outcome. If you do something halfheartedly, you might receive watered-
down results, but doing it with passion virtually guarantees that
your results will be excellent.

- Passion is an investment in more opportunities to feel passionate!
Remember that the more you focus on something you really enjoy you
will begin to attract more things to really enjoy. It also works the
same for other emotions like joy, peace, love, and gratitude.

- Passion can inspire quicker results in any endeavor. Whether
you're focused on increasing your financial abundance or creating a
work of art, you'll be putting forth a strong intensity of emotion so
your results will usually appear much more quickly than they would



Today I embrace the joy and wonder of engaging in activities that
inspire me. As I surrender to my greatest passions, my natural
abundance pours forth effortlessly.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Self Image and Lack


Do you believe you deserve great abundance? Do you believe you can
have it in your life?

Most of us would like to believe that, but at the same time we have
a niggling little voice in the back of our minds that jeers at us:
"Ha! Who do you think you're kidding? You know you don't deserve to
be wealthy and happy. You're not one of the lucky ones and you know
it. Just give it up. You are doomed to live a mediocre life. Accept

This little voice is usually the result of early programming and
negative reinforcement we experience during times of difficulty. It's
bad enough that this negative voice takes up residence in our minds
in the first place, but much worse is that we begin to believe what
it says! We end up sabotaging any efforts we make to live a more
abundant life.

If this sounds all too familiar to you, it's possible you are
blocking abundance from entering your life. Dissolving these inner
blockages may take some effort on your part, but it is time well-spent!

Here's how to turn that negative voice into a positive, supporting

- Begin speaking kindly and lovingly to yourself.

Remember, that little voice in your head will keep repeating what
you consistently tell it. In the past you may have been harsh on
yourself when you failed at something or didn't follow through with
goals you set. Recording over that negative voice with more positive
messages is very simple - just keep speaking kindly and lovingly to
yourself as often as possible! In time, the tone of that mental voice
will begin to change.

- Celebrate your achievements.

If you believe that nothing you do is ever good enough, begin making
it a priority to celebrate everything you do. Even the tiniest
accomplishment should be cause for celebration. Pat yourself on the
back, congratulate yourself, and most importantly feel GOOD about who
you are and what you do. Keep striving to do better, but also give
yourself some recognition for even trying!

- Believe that abundance is your birthright.

Keep affirming that you do deserve an abundant, happy life. Expect
abundance and goodness in all forms. Say things like this, "I just
know I'm meant to live a powerful life. I believe I have the strength
and ability to make my life into anything I want it to be." If you
know you deserve abundance, expect abundance always, and allow
yourself to open to abundance - you get abundance!

Remember that it will probably take time to notice obvious results.
Keep doing the steps as often as you can, and before long you should
find yourself feeling lighter and happier, AND attracting ever-
increasing amounts of abundance into your life.



Today I focus thoughts of love and healing toward myself, knowing
that as I heal so will my financial situation.
