Monday, December 15, 2008

Positive Motivation

Positive Motivation

Self-Worth Starts With Self-Care

Chaos, turmoil and lack usually begin within. It may seem like your
problems exist solely outside of yourself, but your inner state of
mind and mood patterns are what have a strong effect on your
surroundings. When you are scattered and chaotic within, you cannot
help but transfer that condition to your surroundings and attract
more of the same.

If you want to attract better outer circumstances, you have to start
within. One good way to start is with a daily habit of self-care.

Here are three ways to help you make self-care a priority and shift
all areas of your life back into balance:

1) Take time for yourself.

When your life is stressful or busy you might be tempted to dismiss
the importance of personal time, but doing so only makes you feel
more stressed. Remember, "All work and no play . . ." makes YOU a
very unhappy person!

When you take time to do things you enjoy each day, you end up
feeling happier and stronger from within. As a result, you begin
attracting more situations that make you feel happy and strong.

Try setting aside 30 minutes for yourself each day. During that time
you can exercise, read, engage in creative hobbies, or simply watch
your favorite sitcom on television. Whatever you do, DON'T allow
yourself to feel guilty or obsess about what other tasks you could be
getting done during those 30 minutes. Instead, affirm that you
deserve some downtime, and allow yourself to enjoy it. Then you can
return to your normal activities feeling refreshed and energized.

2) Get adequate rest.

Another thing people often do when they're unhappy or stressed is
start cutting into the time they need for sleep (or even just rest
and relaxation). Unfortunately, this only creates major mental and
physical drains and the only way to recharge is by getting enough
rest. If this describes you, you have probably noticed your focus and
stamina beginning to slip. You may find yourself feeling more
irritable, impatient, fatigued, or just plain stressed. Unless you
begin treating your body a little more gently, the problem will only
get worse - which will, of course, continue to reflect into your
outer circumstances!

It may not seem like you can afford to set aside a full 8 hours for
sleep each night, but your efficiency (not to mention your overall
well-being) depends on it! Don't believe me? Commit to trying it for
one week. Make it priority to get a full night's sleep no matter
what, and watch in amazement as you are suddenly better able to
function in all areas of your life: your focus will be stronger,
you'll feel more optimistic, you'll be more confident - and YES,
you'll notice that everything in your life just seems to FLOW more

3) Strengthen your spiritual connection.

Does your spiritual practice consist of a once-weekly visit to
church or a few rapidly uttered prayers before bedtime? Or do you
spend time connecting with your inner spirit on a daily basis? Did
you know that current research indicates that spiritual people
typically experience less stress and better health than non-spiritual

But that's not all - you'll actually be able to manifest the things
you want more easily if you aren't distracted by external "chatter"
from your surroundings!

(It's important to note that spirituality has nothing to do with
religion, unless your religion happens to help you connect
spiritually; but you don't have to be religious to be spiritual.
Spirituality (in this context) is all about connecting to your
center; the part of you that is connected to something larger than
yourself. Whatever name you apply to this "larger something" depends
on your existing belief system, but even if you don't have a specific
name for it don't let that stop you from connecting to your inner
self in a deeper, more profound way.)

The point is to spend time turning your attention within through
meditation or prayer. When you shut out outer distractions and focus
on the peace and harmony within you, you automatically feel lighter
and more balanced - and your outer circumstances will begin to shift
almost immediately.


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