Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Increasing Your Prosperity Awareness


If you've held a lack mentality for any length of time, you have
likely reduced your awareness of the prosperity that exists all
around you and gotten used to seeing lack and shortage everywhere you

You know how they put "blinders" on horses so they can't see
peripherally and get spooked or distracted? You've got your own kind
of blinders on - ones that blot out your ability to see true
abundance. It's time to take the blinders off! Here's how:

1) Switch your perspective.

Because you're so used to focusing on lack and scarcity, you may
need to consciously switch your perspective in every situation until
it becomes a habit. A good way to start is by paying attention to the
times when you begin focusing on lack. If you feel stressed when it's
time to pay your bills, or you get angry when an unexpected expense
arises or when you miss an opportunity - make a conscious decision to
alter your perspective in these moments.

Rather than feeling stressed about paying your bills, affirm that
you always have more than enough money to cover them, even if you
have to juggle a few things around. Affirm that just like you
received the money you have right now, you will receive more again.

2) Tune into the natural abundance around you.

A great way to become aware of the abundance around you is to spend
time in a natural setting. Take an afternoon visit to a local park,
public gardens, or even your own back yard. Sit quietly and take in
your surroundings. Notice the abundance of plant and animal life, and
see how effortlessly everything blooms into life. Think about the
process that takes place in the cycles of nature: how a seed is
planted, watered and given sunlight and begins to grow into something

3) Go on a prosperity hunt.

Have you ever participated in an Easter egg hunt? Adults hide
colorful plastic eggs filled with toys and candy, children go on a
"hunt" to find them and keep whatever they find. You can do the same
thing in your own life, but seek prosperity instead of eggs. Travel
new pathways and look for prosperity wherever you go. Look more
closely at the people you encounter, and expand your awareness of
places and situations to find the hidden egg of prosperity that
exists there.

Prosperity lurks under every bush, within every flower, in every
location, in every smile you receive and give, and in every situation
you experience in life. You just need to recognize it and embrace it
and it will be yours.



Today I say YES to abundance, and ignore lack completely.


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