Monday, December 15, 2008

Today's Prosperity Tip


One of the most powerful ways to increase the abundance in your own
life is by giving to others. Though it may seem like a contradiction,
the more you give away the more you'll have.

How is this possible? If you give everything you have, doesn't that
leave you with nothing? How does the act of giving create a return?

The answer lies in our perception of a limited universe. We believe
that what we have is limited and if we take from someone else, we
have more and they have less. If we give to someone else, they have
more and we have less.

Most of us are not taught the reciprocal nature of the universe -
which means we tend to get back what we put out. You may have heard
that what you focus on the most expands, or that "like attracts
like." But pause for a moment and consider this in a broader sense.

You may be able to recall instances when you did something nice for
someone and received a pleasant surprise in return. Likewise, if you
harmed someone or took from someone out of greed, you probably
received a negative consequence in return (even if it showed up later).

Think of the universe as a great big mirror. Whatever you believe,
you will receive. What you do unto others you also do unto yourself.
This is good news because you can use this principle to increase your
own abundance in ways that also greatly enhance the lives of others.

However, you cannot give from an empty cup! In order to activate
the reciprocity of the universe, you need to feel and believe that
you have much to give. Whether you give from an abundance of money,
time, resources, compassion or anything else - believe you are
abundant and focus on making others feel more abundant too!



Today I remember that the love, compassion and encouragement I share
with others is in direct proportion to the abundance and joy I
receive from the universe.


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