Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Power-FULL Tool for Change!

Living From Gratitude

You hear it all the time; "Gratitude is powerful!" Have you ever
wondered just HOW powerful?

When it comes to the Law of Attraction, gratitude creates a super-
charged boost of energy that attracts all wonderful things into your
life. You've probably heard that before. But why is it so powerful?
One reason is because you're focusing on the positive, so you
automatically attract more positive experiences into your life -
you've probably heard that before too.

But what you may not know is what happens ENERGETICALLY when you're
focusing on gratitude. Remember that the Law of Attraction is
activated according to your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and
expectations. Whatever you think, feel, believe and expect is what
you'll get.

What does this have to do with gratitude? To answer that question,
consider what you are thinking, feeling, believing and expecting when
you feel grateful and appreciative.

- You feel blessed.

- You feel abundant.

- You feel happy.

- You feel content.

- You feel secure.

- You feel like all is right in your world.

And when you focus on these types of feelings, you are sending a
strong message to the universe that all of these things are TRUE. And
you know what the universe says? "You're absolutely right! Here's
your wealth. Here's some more joy. Here's some more good stuff -
thanks for asking for it, I've been trying to send it to you but you
wouldn't let it in!"

I've long believed in the power of gratitude, but it didn't fully
come clear to me until recently when I set an intention to "Live From
Gratitude" for an entire day. "Living From Gratitude" meant that I
would give sincere thanks for everything I experienced, saw, felt,
heard or did that day. Let me tell you, that's a LOT of gratitude! :-)

I must have said "thank you" thousands of times that day. The moment
I opened my eyes that morning, I began giving thanks for everything
in my life. I called to mind my friends and family, my job, my home,
my health - even my cats. And I gave thanks for them. Not just
"surface thanks," but deep, heartfelt gratitude.

As I went about my normal daily activities, I thanked the universe
for everything I touched or experienced. As I washed the dishes, I
said, "Thank you for these dishes to hold the food we eat, and thank
you for the food we eat! Thank you for this silverware - it was a
wedding gift to my husband and I; and thank you for my wonderful

The whole time I worked at my job I said over and over, "Thank you
for my work and the way it fulfills me. Thank you for the opportunity
to earn money doing something I love. Thank you for the ways my work
challenges me and reminds me that I'm stronger than I often think I

As I moved through my day, I gave thanks for my feet as I walked,
for my lungs as I breathed, for my eyes as I looked at the world
around me, and I gave thanks for every person I encountered - and

A lot of great things happened as a result of that one day of Living
From Gratitude - too many to list here. Overall, I'd have to say that
true miracles happened. My income for that day ended up being TRIPLE
what it normally is. I received a couple of fantastic opportunities
that I've begun working on, and good things happened everywhere I

But that outer stuff is just the icing on the cake. The TRUE GIFT of
that day is the way I felt. Everything suddenly seemed so SACRED.
Everything in my life was good. I was good. I was happy. I was at
peace. I wasn't stuck or struggling or fearful or frustrated.

My heart and mind were lifted to a place that few people get to
experience. It was a deeply moving, spiritual experience on all

I have NEVER experienced a day more POWER-FULL as that one! In fact,
it was so powerful that I've since adopted it as an ongoing intention
every day. And yes, every day becomes more magical than the one

If you've never given gratitude a fair chance or if you've been
lukewarm in your application of it, try "Living From Gratitude" for
one day. Just one day. Give thanks for everything you see, feel,
hear, do and experience. It will blow your mind! :-)

As a side note, this same process can be used on things that you
don't yet have, but want to attract! For example, if you're trying to
attract a better job, spend the whole day saying, "Thank you so much
for my wonderful new job! It pays so well and I get to do work I
truly LOVE, and I am so thankful for that!" Don't just say the words;
really focus on FEELING the feelings of gratitude and appreciation.
The words mean nothing without the feelings.



Positive Quotes of the Day

"I thank You God for this most amazing day; for the leaping greenly
spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes."

- e.e. cummings

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn
from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you
by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while
I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails
into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself
taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world,
your return."

- Mary Jean Iron


Positive Motivation

Can Gratitude Help You Attract More Money?


Gratitude is one emotion that works hand in hand with the Law of
Attraction, especially where money is concerned. Where financial lack
is present, there is a blockage of energy - some form of resistance
is preventing the natural flow of abundance into the person's life.

This can be difficult to understand by traditional lines of thought.
Perhaps you are used to thinking of money as a tangible object that
you have to obtain, like most people do. However, with the Law of
Attraction, there is nothing to obtain, but rather ALLOW.

"Allowing," as it relates to the Law of Attraction, means being in a
state of non-resistance. In other words, not blocking the flow of
abundance or goodness into your life. Unfortunately, a focus on lack
or struggle automatically creates blockages!

Gratitude is one easy way to dissolve those blockages and get the
flow moving again. Below are 3 ways to use gratitude to attract more
money into your life:

1) Be grateful for the money you have now.

This is obvious, but it's something that people often overlook when
they've been focused on lack for too long. No matter how little money
you have right now, you need to move yourself into a state of
appreciation and gratitude for having it at all. If it helps, you can
remind yourself that some people have far less than you do.

When you pay bills, take a moment to appreciate the product or
service that created it. You have already received something in
return for that money, so feel grateful about being able to give
something back.

2) Be grateful for the money you can't yet see.

Even though you may be used to focusing on lack with fearful or
anxious thoughts, begin focusing on it with gratitude. Affirm that
even though you can't see the flow of abundance in your life yet, you
do know it's there. Marvel at the way the universe allows you to
create your own reality through the power of perception, and affirm
your desire to expand your awareness of the abundance all around you.

3) Be grateful for all forms of abundance.

Abundance comes in many forms, not just monetary wealth. Make it a
daily habit to express your gratitude and appreciation for the
wonderful things and people in your life. Be thankful for your loved
ones and friends, your job, your pets, and anything else you can
think of. Affirm that it ALL comes from the same flow of abundance
that money comes from, and by allowing more of all forms of
abundance, you will also be allowing more money to enter your life.


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