Friday, October 31, 2008

Gratitude Project

Last week, I started something I call the Gratitude Project. It's more like a challenge to those of us who know that Gratitude is "the conduit by which are wealth will be achieved", but haven't quite made it a habit to do.

Most of my life I lived with the woe is me attitude thinking the world owed me something. There was no such thing as thank you in my mind, heart, and definitely not coming out of my mouth.

Since I've been researching the Law of Attraction, everything that I've run into tells me that Gratitude is the most important part of the law of attraction. I always disregarded it though. Until now. I realized that my ungratefulness is what kept me in poverty so long. Ungratefulness is what made me believe that others owed me something in this life.

But now, I've seen the light, or had that aha moment that so many have had. SO once I had this realization, I knew that my mind had been programmed for so many years with the negativity of ungratefulness that I need to do something to turn it around.

So I came up with the gratitude project. This challenge is going to last for the next 21 days (I've heard doing a consistent thing for 21 days becomes a habit).

MY gratitude project works this way. I have bought a gratitude book , the same one offered by Rhonda Byrne the author of The Secret and each day I write down what I am grateful for and what I plan to be grateful for in the future. I get up in the morning and I say thank you for everything I have, everything I will receive, and everything I could possibly think of. I take time (10-20) and visualize myself with the things on my gratitude list that I don't have in hand and I say thank you for those things feeling, believing and knowing that these things are on their way to me.

I then get up and get ready for my day waiting for inspired action to bring me to those things that I so desire.

This is such a powerful exercise, that things can change in your life literally overnight or sooner! It has been the single most effective thing I've ever done in my life. Since I started this project, I have received that inspired action I was looking for all of this time. I've taken that step and put that action into place and things have exploded around me in ways that I never would have imagined. And it all came from 3 simple word, "Thank You Jesus". That's it. Because I made a conscious decision to ask, believe, be thankful, I've received those things that I've been looking for. And I JUST STARTED THE PROCESS!

How powerful is that! If this has happened in only a few days, what will happen after 21 days? What will happend afer 6 months? A year? The possibilities are endless. I am so excited!

I implore those of you that are reading this to take part in this gratitude process. It has changed my life forever, for the better.

I guarantee it will change yours as well!

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Science OF Getting Rich - Lesson 7

The Secret of Wealth

Inspired Ideas and Definite Action

Have you ever met a person who’s just simply puzzled? They’ve read an entire library of books on positive thinking. They've attended numerous seminars, and their car dashboard is stacked to the windshield with recorded self-help audio CDs. … But they just can’t seem to make things work.

Well, Wallace Wattles points exactly to the root cause of their problem -- Acting in a Certain Way.

Wattles said,

"Thinking in the certain way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely on thought alone, paying no attention to personal action. This is the rock upon which many otherwise scientific metaphysical thinkers meet shipwreck – the failure to connect thought with personal action."

Bob Proctor told an interesting story about having breakfast one day with Earl Nightingale, the co-founder of the globally successful Nightingale-Conant corporation. Bob explained that he was fascinated with the great volume of business that Earl Nightingale took care of, but even more particularly with the way Earl seemed to move in a calm, confident manner. He never appeared to be rushed. So, one day at breakfast, Bob asked Earl how he had mastered time management. Earl laughed and said, “I’ve never mastered time management. Nobody masters time management. Time can’t be managed. I merely manage activities. Each night, I write down on a sheet of paper a list of the things I have to accomplish the next day. And when I wake up … I do them.”

What a powerful lesson! While it seems like such a ridiculously simple solution, Earl Nightingale was demonstrating the very key to this chapter – he had learned how to connect powerful thought with powerful personal action.

As you’re watching the movie, The Secret, you must remember that, while various speakers are talking about the Law of Attraction, what ALWAYS precedes that attraction is ACTION.

Without ACTION, there is no attraction!

As a final note, I’d like to remind you that your list should be aggressive, but don’t try to shove 170 activities into a single day. You won’t get anywhere on that plan either. Remember what Wallace Wattles reminds us of: “Your action must be in your present business or employment. It must be upon the persons and things in your present environment. You cannot act where you are not. You cannot act where you have been, and you cannot act where you are going to be. You can only act where you are. Do not dwell on whether yesterday’s work was well or poorly done. Do today’s work well. Do not try to do tomorrow’s work now. There will be plenty of time to do that when tomorrow comes. If you take care of the action, the attraction will always take care of itself."


Are You Doing What You Love?
Somewhere in history, humankind picked up the false thought that we need to work on boring, day-to-day activities that we do not enjoy in order to survive.

We grow up in our programmed lives with the ridiculous idea that we have to go to work to earn money.

Nothing can be further from the truth. We should go to work for satisfaction. You want to spend your days doing what you love.

Doing what you want to do is LIFE! There is no real satisfaction in living if we are compelled to do something that we don’t like to do or that we’re expected to do. It’s as simple as that.

As Wallace Wattles says, the fact is this …

You can do what you want to do; your desire to do it is PROOF that you have within you the power to do it."
Jack Canfield writes:
See, the idea that we work for money is silly. It’s an old idea that’s been around for a long time, but that doesn’t mean there’s any TRUTH in it. When we created the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series (which went on to sell 100 million copies), it wasn’t our “regular job.” Mark Victor Hansen and I were still doing – every day – what we loved most. The Chicken Soup idea was an OTHER idea, a SIDE idea, believe it or not.

Bob Proctor discussed the setting up of MULTIPLE sources of income – you WORK every day doing what you love, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be the big breadwinner. True riches come from setting up multiple sources of income that, quite probably, are “side ideas.” Chicken Soup started out as just another source of income for us.

Now, granted, Chicken Soup proved a surprising source of income for us. This happened because we simply were following ALL the constructs that are being laid out in this book. Remember, Wallace Wattles has already taught us that you provide service to earn money. When you increase your service, you earn more money. Our Chicken Soup books have entertained more than 100 million people, but it’s obvious that I wasn’t there with those buyers, selling them their books, or reading the books aloud to their children. In fact I was sleeping when many of these books were being purchased and read. But I earned money on every one of them … and I’ll earn money on them for the rest of my life … and my estate will earn money on them, because we found a way to increase our SERVICE by developing a SERIES of Chicken Soup books.

As Wallace Wattles said in the very first chapter of this book, you can only become rich when you expand your service beyond your current presence. And that’s just what we did. The Chicken Soup “side idea” proved a beautiful one. It resonated with millions of people in ways we can never possibly know and, as a result, it became ONE source of several multiple sources of income that both Mark Victor Hansen and I enjoy today.

Now, you could be in a place where you might not know how to set up multiple sources of income. You might not even know where to start. That really doesn’t matter. It’s a learned skill – and it’s one of the easier ones to learn. By studying this material and listening to the Science of Getting Rich program, you WILL learn how to earn multiple sources of income. All you have to do right now is decide that you’re GOING to do it.

Then, get your head around the most important aspect of this chapter – DO what you LOVE, not what you HAVE to do. It may not happen over night, but it WILL happen when you make that decision.

The second you’ve finished with this lesson, I encourage you to sit down and make a written commitment that you are establishing your goal towards spending your days doing what you love, and setting up multiple sources of income to create the income stream strategies that so many people from all walks of life and education have employed to become wealthy. Sign that commitment and give it to someone you respect. I guarantee you – your opportunities will begin to change immediately.

And you will have taken your FIRST STEP into creating the mind-set of the super-wealthy and happy.
Now let's explore in more detail the concept of Multiple Streams of Income


Multiple Streams of Income
Did you know there are only 3 income earning strategies?

Strategy #1 - What 96% of the population do.
In the first instance, you trade your time for money.

This strategy does NOT work. It has an inherent problem... you run out of time. If you are able to put any money away using Strategy 1 it'll be at the expense of a life. You'll be compromising on the house you live in, the car you drive and the vacations you take, your family time, and more.

Strategy #2 - What 3% of the population do.
In the second instance, you're using money to generate more money. Whether it's investments in the property market or stocks, you make your money work for you through your own business or someone else's and collect the returns.

Simple as it sounds, so few people do this.

Strategy #3 - What the wiser 1% of the population do
This is the most Powerful Strategy of them all... when you Multiply Your Time. In this situation, you're no longer restricted by geographic boundaries or physical form. You've created several revenue streams by creating Multiple Sources of Income (MSI).

Become very familiar with the term "MSI" because it will lead you to complete financial independence.

In fact, as part of the Science of Getting Rich Seminar which we offer on this site, we include what might be a perfect MSI for you. Every Seminar purchase comes with a "business-in-a-box", a complete website with powerful technology and marketing tools that you can use to earn money while selling The Science of Getting Rich seminar.

It may sound unusual - providing an instant business to people who get the seminar but it made perfect sense. As soon as you setup your website and see leads and sales coming in, you change your mindset -- you instantly move from being an employee, or from being a single business owner -- into being a person with Multiple Streams of Income. This mind-shift causes even more income streams to be drawn towards you. It's the Law of Attraction at work.


The Process for Discovering Multiple Sources of Income
Ok, so you may understand the importance of Multiple Streams of Income but you may still be clueless as to how to find ideas that may bring you wealth.

This is where we use the Law of Attraction. You start by applying thought to what you wish to attract into your life -- in terms of work or career you should aim to have a job that you truly enjoy AND one that pays you enough so that you can live the life you desire.

Do not worry if you're not yet sure about how to reach this goal, for this is where the second part comes in.

Upon applying thought to this new life, you'll find that through random events, coincidences or inspiration, ideas will come to you. Ideas that will lead you to create this desired life. History is filled with stories of men and women who gained inspiration through unusual sources like dreams. You'll find this inspiration flowing to you too ONCE you set your mind on the vision of your ideal life.

The final stage is to follow the inspiration and take action -- all the while continuing to apply desire, belief and expectation that your ideal life will manifest.

The process of manifesting wealth can be summarized in the three lines below:

In Lesson 1 to 6 we discussed the first and most important part of this wealth transformation process -- the power of channeled thought. Now we'll cover the next two parts - inspiration and action.

How to Open Yourself to Inspiration
In Lesson 1 you learned that you are more than physical matter. In Lesson 2, we discussed the Law of Attraction.

Lesson 3 was about controlling your thoughts while Lesson 4 showed you how to think "BIG".

In Lessons 5 and 6 you first learned the process for daily meditation and then how to apply the concepts of Desire, Belief and Expectation.

Once you've followed these steps - and are thinking big thoughts about your future life, controlling your previously unrestrained random thoughts and practicing focusing your thoughts via daily meditation - you will find that throughout your day you will literally be filled with inspirational ideas. They could be ideas for new business, new sources of income, new pursuits of creativity -- this is the Law of Attraction working.

Your body, then, is energy in a high speed of vibration, fed by thoughts and directives from your brain. Your brain as an object cannot actually think BUT you think with your brain. Albert Einstein’s brain is kept in a jar somewhere in New Jersey; however, it is not doing anyone any good because Albert is not with it! It was the flowing, moving energy into his brain and what he chose to DO with that flow that changed the face of our planet and made Albert’s “brain” famous.

Albert Einstein loved thinking – he was excited over the thoughts that surfaced. In fact, those who worked with him reported that he was often “gleeful” with an idea. This is exactly why Albert Einstein changed our world instead of just thinking about changing it. Albert got emotionally involved with his ideas. He visualized their physical result on the screen of his mind and, to everyone else’s surprise, those ideas became realities that changed our world’s perspective.

You have every ability to change the world just as he did. Albert Einstein had nothing on any other human being – not even you. He just knew how to move energy into theory, and theory into form.

The best part is that anyone can do this. We all have the same connections to the universal sources that gave inspiration to the likes of Einstein.

Napoleon Hill said:

The great artists, writers, musicians, and poets become great because they acquire the habit of relying upon the "still small voice" which speaks from within, through the faculty of creative imagination. It is a fact well known to people who have "keen" imaginations that their best ideas come through so-called "hunches"
~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

When you begin to see that idea take shape – when it’s actually something you can touch and see and feel the result of – well … it’s an incredible, grateful moment. When I experience that moment myself, I’m always reminded of the quote from the great psychologist Alfred Adler – “I am grateful for the idea that has used me.”

Believe me; I am ALWAYS grateful to the idea that has used me!


Taking Action
The next step is to take action on your idea. Now here is where many people get lost -- what if you don't know what action to take? You may have an idea for a business, but should you get a loan, self-fund it, find a partner? The opportunites are endless - and confusing and overwhelming.

Napoleon Hill's advice is this. He says do not worry about the specific action you take. Just take any small step, any "baby step" toward your dream. You do not have to be 100% sure you're on the right track. You simply have to keep your thoughts focused on the dream and move forward. The Law of Attraction will do the rest. It will attract to you the exact right circumstances, meetings, opportunities, inspiration, people and offers you would need to move forward towards your dream.

Follow the steps in these lessons, and you're on your way to claiming the greatness that was yours from the very beginning.

And may it be a beautiful journey.

We hope you enjoyed and gained much from these 7 free lessons. There is much more to learn but these basics alone will take you far.

If you feel you are ready to move forward in a great leap -- to take a quantum jump and move yourself into the mindset of the great people of the world, we're waiting to hold your hand and help you succeed.

Do you Desire to Take Your Life to the Next Level?
One of the Most Remarkable Things About the Science of Getting Rich Seminar is that Many People Who Attend the Seminar Frequently See Their Incomes Improving by 10, 20, 50 even 500 Percent Within ONE Year of Experiencing the Training.
Do you DESIRE to learn more and to master the mindset of wealthy and successful people? Let the Legendary Coaches, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, personally guide you through the most important Educational Experience of Your Life.

Visit this link now ».

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Get The Most Out Of Inspired Action


Action isn't always necessary when working with the Law of
. Sometimes things just happen spontaneously and good
things (including money) fall right into your lap! I've had it
happen and it's thrilling every time!

However, sometimes the universe doesn't so much grant your wishes as
it provides a way for YOU to bring the desired outcome into being.
We call this inspired action.

How do you know when the universe is giving you an inspired action?
Most often it will show up as a fantastic opportunity or an inner
nudge that you should take a particular action. Sometimes it may
seem illogical, like you'll set an intention to get a better-paying
job, then later that night or the next day you'll suddenly feel like
you should go to the grocery store even though you really don't need
anything. If you listen to that hunch, you might run into someone
you haven't seen in years, who just so happens to have a great job
opening in his company that you would be perfect for!

That's just one example; it can happen in so many ways it would be
impossible to list them all. The bottom line is, listen to your

If you feel a hunch or a nudge to do something specific, do it! You
just never know what the universe has orchestrated in order to
fulfill your wishes. :-)



Today I open to the perfect opportunities I need to achieve my
objectives. I effortlessly attract the right people, resources, and
intuitive insight that will lead me to my chosen outcome.


Monday, October 27, 2008

The Science of Getting Rich - Lesson 6

The Power of Desire, Belief and Expectation
How to Get in the Right Mindset to
Manifest Your Intentions

In the last lesson you learned a technique to help you properly apply the Law of Attraction into your life to draw towards you the things, events and circumstances you seek to build a life you desire. The technique involved spending a few minutes a day in meditation and creative visualization.

Learning the technique is the first step. But how do you approach your goals AFTER you come out of your daily visualization session? What attitudes, feelings and emotions do you need to maintain or create?

To make your intentions come into your life with greater frequency and consistency it's important to understand the three forces of power, those forces are -- desire, belief, and expectation.

Before anything that you want to happen can happen, you have to have a desire that it will happen. You have to believe that it can happen. And you must expect it to happen.

Sounds simple? Perhaps. But there is a lot more to it.

In this lesson we'll explore each force of power in detail and understand how you can apply these forces into your life.

The First Force of Power - DESIRE
Your right to life means your right to have the free and unrestricted use of all things which may be necessary for your physical, mental and spiritual unfolding - in other words, your right to be rich. We have the RIGHT to choose, we have the POWER to choose what we’re going to have … "Ask and it will be given." … Our problem is - we don’t really believe it.

And so we are often content to stay in the current reality. We don't attempt to push for or indeed achieve anything new. In short - we don't DESIRE much more than what we already have.

Let’s think about this in regard to earning money … Although the differences in what you’ve earned over the last 12 months and what you choose to earn over the next 12 months might be great, the change in your personality is usually very small … it’s all a matter of CHOICE – you'll simply change your thought patterns.

Burt Goldman shares the following story
Consider the story of the disciple who went to his guru one day and asked, “Master, how do I achieve enlightenment?” The wise old guru directed the disciple to the bank of the Ganges River and had him kneel with his head over the water. Then the guru put his hand on the young man’s neck and pushed his head below the surface of the water. After a minute and a half the young disciple was frantic. He pulled and heaved and flailed his arms, but the grip was like iron. He could not get his head back out of the water. After two minutes, when it seemed as though his lungs would burst, the grip was released.

The young man’s head jerked out of the water and he took great gulps of air into his tortured lungs. The guru smiled. “Tell me,” he gently asked, “ what was your greatest desire just then?”

“To breathe,” the young disciple stated emphatically.

“Ah,” the guru said. “When you desire enlightenment to that degree, it shall be yours.”

The first key to attracting good things in your life - is to DESIRE them.

Here are Some Ways to Build and Maintain Desire
Think About How Others Will Benefit
Think about what you can do with the money you earn to benefit the world. Perhaps you're environmentally conscious, pro-peace, care about education for under-privileged kids...think about what you can do with the money you earn to promote and fund these causes.

Use Reminder Tokens

Want a new car? Your desire may be high when you first set the goal, but like many people, it may wane as time goes on. This of course, does not help with the Law of Attraction.

To keep the thought of the new car constantly on your mind try creating reminder tokens. Get a set of keys made - generic keys - and carry them in your pocket.

These simple reminders help keep the thought of the new vehicle fully fresh in your mind.

Another common technique is using a mock check. Tear out a check from your bank book. Make a check out to yourself, writing to yourself the amount of money you wish to manifest into your life.

Daily Focus
Yet another way to keep desire strong is by practicing the manifestation process we outlined in Lesson 5. The daily practice of visualizing your goals and feeling the positive emotions associated with them will help keep the desire strong and flowing.

The Second Force of Power - BELIEF
After you have built up your desire to attract something into your life the next step is to strengthen your belief system.

Why is Belief so Important to the Process?

Your thoughts, when directed towards a certain thing - will bring that thing to you. But the reverse also occurs - if you worry and experience anxiety about getting something, in other words the thought of lacking something, this has the effect of pushing it away from you.

This is why belief is so critical. If you do not believe you can attain something, your worries and anxiety will counter any positive thoughts you have of the goal and neutralize the workings of the Law of Attraction.

The man I want to become,
if I BELIEVE myself to be,
I will become
~ Gandhi

Whatever you seek to achieve MUST be within the realm of what you believe to be possible.

Belief is a powerful tool and doctors are still often astounded by what belief can do to a patient's health

In the summer of 1994, a surgeon named J. Bruce Moseley conducted an amazing experiment. Doctors had long been aware of the 'placebo effect' - the idea that you can give a patient a placebo, a fake pill, tell the patient that this pill is real and will cure their pain, cough or sore throat. Sure enough, because the patient believes the pill to be real, they often end up cured.

Mosely wondered just how strong the power of the placebo effect could be. Would it work on something more than pills for minor aches and illnesses? Would it work for more serious medical conditions that involved surgery?

Moseley had 10 patients scheduled for an operation intended to relieve the arthritis pain in their knees. The patients were middle-aged men. All 10 were wheeled into an operating room at the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center. They were draped, examined and anesthetized. They went through all the elaborate procedures designed to make them BELEIVE that they were about to go through a serious medical operation. They were then dispatched to the recovery room and the next morning sent home, equipped with crutches and a painkiller.

But there the similarities ended between all 10.

For while two of the men would undergo the standard arthroscopic surgery for their condition -- the scraping and rinsing of the knee joint -- and three would have the rinsing alone, five would have no recognized surgical procedure at all. Their surgery would be a placebo, a make-believe surgery designed to fool the patient.

The result: All 10 patients reported that their arthritis has been considerably healed.

Mosely's experiment was repeated by a team of surgeons in Texas on 180 patients with osteoarthritis in the knee. Two-thirds got the actual surgery. But for a third, the surgeons faked it – they went through the motions of giving a tranquilizer, making three incisions and pretending to do the surgery.

According to the New York Times

"The researchers found patients who underwent the placebo surgery were just as likely to report pain relief as those who received the real procedure. It seems for osteoarthritis patients, the relief is all in patients' minds."

Belief is a powerful thing. And it can be channeled to do more than help you recover from serious illnesses.

Belief, when combined with Desire is a powerful tool to help you use the Law of Attraction to draw to you events and circumstances you wish to bring into your life.

Without Belief, you simply will not be able to properly use the Law of Attraction. The lack of belief will cause thoughts to emerge in your head that are counter to the events you wish to attract.

This means that if you're currently broke, setting a goal to be a billionaire within 5 years may be too tough on your belief system. You may desire a billion dollars, but you may not honestly believe you can acquire it so fast. Without that belief that goal is pointless.

It takes a strong soul to be able to channel so much belief into huge goals. But anyone can TRAIN their belief system to grow and become stronger.

You can start by setting a goal that excites you, that you strongly desire, yet is also something you believe is possible. Going from broke to a billionaire may be too much of a stretch. But aiming to go from being broke to having $10 million in the bank is certainly within the realm of possibility. If you can believe it's possible - it is.

You'll know if the goal you're setting is right based on your inner feelings. If you feel a certain amount of dread or worry - you might be too far away from your current belief system. But if you have positive feelings of excitement and possibility then you're setting the right goal.

The beauty of this process is that once you hit your goal, you boost your belief system. Having hit goal after goal time after time - your belief system will expand more and more. Eventually you may get to a stage where you can believe 100% that one billion dollars is within your grasp.

Fortunately, we humans keep breaking new boundaries in our belief systems every year. In 1952, Roger Bannister, an athlete in England decided that he would set a new world record for running a mile in under 4 minutes. No athlete prior to Bannister had ever run a mile in under 4 minutes. It was a big goal, seen by many to be in the realms of the impossible. Roger Bannister hit his goal in the spring of 1954. He completed a mile in 3 minutes 59 seconds.

But Roger has set more than a world record. He has also raised the realm of possibility for thousands of other runners, many of whom had once thought that running a mile in under 4 minutes was impossible. Just 46 days after Bannister hit his goal, another runner John Landy of Australia ran a mile in 3 minutes and 58 seconds. And within one year, as many as 30 other people had completed the 4 minutes mile.

Roger Bannister showed the world that it was possible - he raised the belief systems of thousands who were inspired by him.

The Law of Attraction did the rest.


Positive Expectations

So you desire something big and you believe it's within your reach, you've already started to get the Law of Attraction working for you.

But here's the third and final step.

You should now expect what you're asking for to come to you.

Desiring and believing something is possible is not the same as expecting it to occur.

The following example might clarify the difference.
You loaned money to a friend. It's been 3 months and he's yet to repay you. You're asking for the money but you just don't seem to be getting it back.

You certainly DESIRE the money to come back to you.

You do BELIEVE your friend could and is capable of paying you back.

What's missing is expectancy. Because you don't expect him to pay you back you're causing the Law of Attraction to act against your favor. You get stressed, feel angry at his lack of appreciation and integrity. These negative feelings hold you in a state where you're pushing away the money.

Now imagine what would happen if you suddenly got a call from your friend saying that he's come around and has decided to repay the money. He tells you he's mailed you a check using Fedex. To ease your doubts, he faxes you a copy of the check and the Fedex delivery receipt. You now have a changed attitude. You now EXPECT the check to come. As the saying goes, you can relax because "the check is in the mail".

This is what we mean by expectation!

When you've developed a proper degree of expectation, you're able to relax and allow the Law of Attraction to work for you and not against you.

As the late Sam Walton, at one point America's richest man said:

I expect to win. I go into tough challenges always planning to come out victorious. It never occurred to me that I might lose, it was almost as if I had a right to win. Thinking like that often seems to turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Let's provide another example of how this works. This is an actual example from a student of Bob Proctor's. John from New York ran a small business with his wife. They built websites for clients. One day, Andrew, an old friend of John's approached them and asked them to invest some money in a potential business idea. John was intrigued so he signed the papers and made the investment of $12,000.

John thought he was buying into a great idea but in reality the business was unsound and the so-called friend had no intention of returning John's investment. John felt betrayed and cheated. He had just lost $12,000 - he and his wife had been saving up for their future plans.

John had been chasing his friend Andrew for months to no avail. John DESIRED the money. He BELIEVED Andrew could return the money. But he just did NOT EXPECT it to come to him given Andrew's character.

What would John do in a situation like this?

After studying the Science of Getting Rich John said "The answer hit me like a brick. Because I had been CHASING the money, I was placing myself in a state of mind where I simply pushed the money away. I saw myself as someone who had LOST $12,000."

John knew he could not change Andrew's character so he decided to try a different way of earning his money back. He decided "I was going to make up mind to earn $12,000 within a month. I knew I deserved the money. I opened myself up to the possibility of the money coming to me - almost like a gift form the Universe - but through other sources. In my daily meditation - I saw myself receiving a check for $12,000. But I did not care where that check came from. I just desired it, believed it was possible and expected it to come".

John reported that within 3 weeks of changing his mindset he received a pleasant surprise. A particular client commissioned a project that was much larger than normal for John. John had to work 2 days on the project. But his payout was far greater than normal. Coincidently - the payout was EXACTLY $12,000. Prior to this John had never received a check of that size.

Coincidence? Perhaps. But that's exactly what you'll start to notice happening in your life once you begin to apply the Law of Attraction.


Desire, Belief and Expectation --- these are the 3 forces of power that you must learn to harness to allow the Law of Attraction to work for you.

Get in the habit of thinking big and desiring wonderful things for yourself and for your fellow man.

Believe that it's possible. Build your belief system by aiming for bigger and bigger goals each time you accomplish something new.

Finally, expect good things to happen. As you apply the lessons here you'll notice streams of beautiful coincidences pushing you in the directions you seek. Your expectation of good things will grow and blossom.

And when all three are aligned - good things will certainly come to you in numbers and magnitude far greater than you might ever imagine.

Stay tuned for the next and final lesson .

Desire to Take Your Life to the Next Level?
One of the Most Remarkable Things About the Science of Getting Rich Seminar is that Many People Who Attend the Seminar frequently See Their Incomes Improving by 10, 20, 50 even 500 percent within ONE year of experiencing the Training.

DESIRE to learn more and to master the mindset of wealthy and successful people? Let the Legendary Coaches, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, personally guide you through the most important Educational Experience of Your Life.

Visit this link now ».

Saturday, October 25, 2008

“10 Truths About Prosperity”

“10 Truths About Prosperity”
by Jeanna Gabellini

For those of you who tend to use only your logical mind to create wealth, you may want to sit down. Here are a few rules of prosperity that guarantee results.

Truly know what you want. Then put your request out for others to hear. If you can formulate the question, you WILL get an answer.

Focus on what you DO want, rather than what you DON'T want. It's habitual for most of us to go to the negative “what if's.“ What if I lose my money on this deal, what if I fail, what if I can't afford it, and 1000 other thoughts that give us heartache!

Expect to have abundance. Wishing, hoping, affirmations and prayers don't work unless you believe that what you want is coming to you. Expecting means you KNOW it's going to happen, even when there is no proof. What kinds of decisions, actions and risks would you make if you KNEW you would have positive results?

Only take actions that you are inspired to do. If you try to do all the things that you've read about that you are SUPPOSED to do or the stuff your parents said that you should do, you'd feel a weight on your shoulders. What do you want to do? If it feels irresponsible to only do what you want, consider a different perspective. It is YOUR responsibility to make yourself happy. When you are in the flow of joy, everything you attract will please you.

It is your job to mind your business. Your business is knowing what is and what isn't making you happy about the investments, partnerships, jobs, and tasks you are involved in. If it's not giving you what you want, change it now. Get a different financial advisor, change jobs, or talk with your partner. If you keep doing it the same way, you'll always get the same results, no matter if it makes you glad or sad.

Listen to your inner guidance. Any time a deal, situation, or person has gone sour; you knew something wasn't right. Think about it. You can look back and at some point you had a feeling (even if just for a split second) that you didn't listen to. Listen to your gut, it will never fail you.

Know the difference between your intuition and your “gremlin voice.“ Your intuition gives you simple and short messages. Your negative self-talk usually sounds like a parent nagging, someone playing devil's advocate, or the biggest 'fraidy cat. A gremlin will say things like, “This investment is too good to be true“ or “I don't know how“ or “I better play it safe than sorry.“ Your gut just tells you if something feels good or bad.

It takes the same amount of effort to create $1,000,000 as it takes to create $1,000. If you knew you could create a million a week, you could. It is the same process to manifest any dollar amount. You desire it, you decide you're going to have it, you take an inspired action, you believe, it shows up.

You can have abundant prosperity, NOW. It truly does not matter what you have created in your past. Abundance is available to everyone in the same amounts. Do you believe that? Whether you do or don't is the very reason why you have prosperity at the level you desire or not.

Trusting yourself is the biggest key to creating the wealth, prosperity, and well-being you desire. You don't have to know all the details, how-to's, or information about the topic you are pondering or engaged in. You do have to know that you will make the perfect choices for you, in perfect timing, with the perfect people, and that you have an inner guide who will always lead you down the perfect path. No kidding!

If you focused on practicing one of these truths each week, your life would be transformed. There's no effort in doing this. Create a couple of notes around the house, work, and your car to remind you. Tell a few friends to give you a nudge if they catch you talking or acting from a place of lack or playing it safe. Now you're set. I KNOW you will love receiving the wealth that you are sooooooo capable of allowing!

How to "Allow" Prosperity and Abundance


"Allowing" means being in a state of non-resistance. What exactly
is a state of non-resistance? I would describe it as a state of
feeling VERY relaxed, happy, abundant, joyful and confident that
everything will work out for your highest good.

How often do you feel that way? If you're like most people, not
often enough! In fact, much of the time you might swing to the far
end of the spectrum and deal with constant aggravation, stress,
frustration, and lack-focused problems.

Here's a good way to get into the practice of "allowing" the things
you want. Find a quiet place to be alone, sit or lie peacefully,
close your eyes and imagine that you already have what you want.
Whether that's more money, greater peace and happiness, or anything
else. Bring it to mind and imagine exactly how you'd feel if you had
it right now.

Within minutes you should be feeling very relaxed and happy! Yep,
that's allowing! :-)



Today I remember that money is simply energy and I can attract more
of it by feeling positively about it.

Gratitude Reflects Back to You!

Have you ever heard that the people and situations in our lives mirror back what we project out? You can probably remember plenty of times when this seemed to be so.

For example, perhaps you awoke one morning in a grumpy mood - and
then proceeded to encounter one grumpy person after another during
the rest of the day. Or you felt overwhelmed with problems - and
seemed to attract dozens more problems, both minor and major.

This type of "instant attraction" can be unsettling to say the
least! However, just as it can work in a negative fashion, you can
also learn how to turn this mirror effect to your advantage through
the practice of gratitude.

Try this little experiment for starters:

When you wake up in the morning, spend a few minutes reciting an
affirmation like this: "I am so grateful for the kind and generous
people in my life! Everyone is so supportive and nurturing and I feel
blessed to be surrounded by so many great people."

Really allow yourself to get into the feelings of gratitude for the
great people in your life. Stay with these feelings for several
minutes, letting them soak into your mind and heart.

Then, as you go about your daily routine, imagine flowing a strong
feeling of love and gratitude toward everyone you encounter. You can
do this with both people you know and strangers. Find something
appreciative to say to the people you know. You might compliment your
co-worker on her problem-solving skills, or tell your friend you
enjoy his sense of humor. Make it a genuine compliment without
expecting anything in return.

As you focus on this little experiment, you may be surprised to
notice that other people act more kindly toward you also. You might
receive spontaneous compliments, offers of assistance when you need
it most, or any number of other pleasant surprises.

Here's another experiment:

Do your best to find something positive about every situation and
experience you have during the course of a day. This might be
challenging if you are used to looking at the negative side of most
situations, but keep working at it until you can think of at least
one blessing in every situation.

Don't try to fake it! If your car blows a tire on the freeway, you
can't mutter through gritted teeth, "I'm really grateful for this"
over and over and expect good things to come from it. You're really
NOT grateful at that moment (few of us would be).

Instead, find an aspect of the situation that you really CAN be
grateful about. For example, you might decide to feel grateful that
your blown tire didn't cause a serious accident. You might feel
grateful that you happened to be in the slow travel lane instead of
the fast lane when the tire failed.

Whatever angle you choose to focus on, be sure your feelings of
gratitude are genuine - and watch how that quality is reflected back
into your life in a myriad of ways.

The Science of Getting Rich - Lesson 5

The Process for Rapidly
Attracting Abundance

Learn a Step by Step Process to Harness and Use the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction works all the time, every second of your life, as long as you're consciously thinking.

In Lesson 1 and 2 we discussed the Law of Attraction. In Lesson 3 we showed you how to apply thought control to ensure that you're only focusing on what you want and avoiding attracting what you don't want. In lesson 4, we showed you how to gain clarity on you goals.

What's next then?

After you've identified what you'd like to attract into your life, do you just try to go through life thinking positively about it and waiting for it to fall into your lap?

Knowing what you want is the first step - but there is far more you can do.

In this lesson we'll show you a specific, concrete, process you can apply in your life to help you manifest what you want faster, smoother and easier.

Variations of this process have been echoed by many, many wonderful teachers over the last 100 years - including Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Jose Silva, Abraham-Hicks, and most recently Bob Proctor and other teachers from the movie "The Secret".

It was Napoleon Hill who first attempted to define the process. Commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, the richest man of his time, Hill set out to interview and research the lives of 500 of the greatest thinkers, businessmen and luminaries of his era. He documented his findings in the book "Think and Grow Rich".

Hill writes:

If you're one of those that believe that hard work and honesty, alone, will bring riches, perish the thought! It's not true! Riches, when they come in huge quantities, are never the result of hard work alone! Riches come, if they come at all, in response to DEFINITE DEMANDS, based upon the application of DEFINITE PRINCIPLES, and not by chance or luck
~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

In this lesson, we'll expand upon Hill's work. We'll include new ideas and philosophies that came from teachers after Napoleon Hill. We'll show you the process you can use and apply into your life to attract the abundance you seek.

The process involves 4 steps.

Knowing What You Want
Moving into a Meditative State of Mind
Creative Visualization
Taking Definite Action


The Process

Step 1: Know What You Want
The first and most important part of the process is KNOWING what you want. It's amazing how many people live their lives without setting any clear, specific goals.

You'll remember this topic was covered in Lesson 3 on goals, don't hesitate to refresh your memory.

If you're unclear on this part of the process, re-read lesson three.

Once you have a clear, definite idea of the type of life you want to build, you're ready for Step 2.

Step 2: Meditation
Once you've identified your goals, write them down somewhere. There's power in commiting goals to paper.

The next step is to pick a time of the day, where you can spend 5 to 15 minutes, uninterrupted and do nothing but focus on your goals.

The best time to do this is in the morning when you've just woken up. Lie up in bed or on a comfy couch. You'll spend the next few minutes focusing on your goals.

This will be your daily "meditation" time.

First, move into a state of relaxed meditation. Don't get hung up on the word "meditation". We're not talking about specific forms of Eastern or Religious meditation. We're talking about moving into a peaceful relaxed state where you can connect to your subconscious.

Find a comfortable position - maybe lying on a bed or on the sofa. Be comfortable enough that you can relax - but not too comfy that you might fall asleep.

You do not have to worry about "clearing your mind" or sitting cross-legged or any other type of meditation cliche. All we want you to do is get into a peaceful relaxed state.

At this point, from Lesson 4, you should already have a clear idea of what changes you seek to attract into your life. It could be health, money, love, giving back to society - anything that pulls you out of the current reality trap and excites you.

If you still have no idea what you want at present don't worry - a state of peaceful meditation can be the perfect time to reflect and realize what you desire. Research shows that people tend to be more creative and in touch with their intuitive sides when they are in such states of meditation. Use this time to think creatively about what you wish to do with your life.

Step 3: Visualize What You Want
While at your state of relaxed meditation, visualize yourself having attained that which you're seeking to attract.

For example, if you're seeking to move into a bigger home, see yourself having this home. Picture yourself living out your dreams in your new home, such as wining and dining friends in the spacious kitchen, playing with the kids in the living room, mowing the greenest lawn and perfecting your flourishing garden. Bring in images that reflect the quality and type of home you want for your ideal lifestyle. If you want a pool - see yourself lounging by the poolside and enjoying the sun.

There are many ways to practice visualization. What you're doing here is called "Creative Visualization". It's creative in the sense that you're attracting to you -- creating-- that which you visualize.

Use Your Senses
It's important to make your imagery clear, vivid and colorful. The more realistic the visualization, the better the results. Some people may have difficulty visualizing. Don't worry about this - it could simply mean that your dominant sense is not sight. But maybe it's taste, or touch or hearing. That's fine - feel the warmth of your new fireplace, hear the sound of your kids playing in the pool, smell the gorgeous smells wafting from your new kitchen. The more senses you bring into this imagery, the better the results.

Bring Emotions Into The Mix
Remember the equation?

Emotions help magnify your power of attraction. When visualizing the life you want, feel the joy, happiness and excitement of the situation.

The stronger your emotions - the faster you can manifest into your reality that which you're trying to attract.

To increase the emotions associated with your visualization - build the feeling of having it NOW. IN other words, when you see your dream home, don't think of it as something that COULD come to you in the future. Imagine you had your dream home right now - picture yourself there and just think how you would feel if you were in that home right now - NOT sometime in the future IF you had enough money - but in the HERE and NOW.

Seek the Greater Good
Another way to increase the emotions behind your creative visualization practice is to imagine more than just you benefiting from your attraction. Staying with the house analogy - see your kids loving the lawn because they have space to play ball. See your spouse loving the brand new living room. See your friends and family visiting and feeling the warmth and beauty of the new home.

Do you recall the good feelings you get when you do a charitable act like donate money, or when you give a gift to someone who means a lot to you?

Remember what we said about feelings? Feelings are the soul's way of letting you know you're on the right track. The act of giving feels good because it's aligned with your inner being. The joy you feel is a sign of the appropriateness of your thoughts.

So when you practice creative visualization, see others benefiting. Family, kids, spouse, community, friends - the more people the better. When you see the smiles and happiness on someone else's face (even if you're just imagining a possible outcome), it helps to draw out more positive emotion. This added emotion in turn makes the process of manifesting faster and smoother.

That's really all it takes. Bring in your senses. Make the image real. Feel emotions and see others benefiting.

This whole process can take 5 - 20 mins. It's up to you. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to set the gears of the Universe moving in your favor.

Now the final step.

Step 4: Apply Definite Action
Once you've determined what you want and channeled your thoughts and emotions towards this outcome the next step is to start paving the way for that future reality to come your way. The key is ACTION.

Let's say you've been meditating and visualizing a new home. Start doing something - anything - to move you towards acquiring this home. It does not matter if you do not know exactly what you need to do. Nor does it matter if you don't have the financial resources to acquire the home. Keep focused on it, believe you will acquire it and take action

Napoleon Hill says:

Do not wait for a definite plan, through which you intend to exchange services or merchandise in return for the money you are visualizing, but begin at once to see yourself in possession of the money, demanding and expecting meanwhile, that your subconscious mind will hand over the plan, or plans you need.

Let's analyze that statement. What Hill is saying is that when you're seeking to manifest money, or a home or anything you wish, DO NOT worry if you're unsure of what action you need to take. Begin at once to chanel your thoughts towards what you're trying to attract and the answer you seek - the action you need to take - will come to you.

It may come as an inspired thought or maybe even a 'EUREKA' moment or simply a moment of clarity while meditating or through a book you find or something a friend says - the possibilities are endlesss! The way it comes is not important. Trust that the answer will come.

Edison was known to have said "Ideas come from space. This may seem impossible and hard to believe but it’s true. Ideas come from out of space."

Edison was referring to intuition. He claimed that most of his ideas came to him through intuition. Edison, by the way, approved of the research conducted by Hill in his book "Think and Grow Rich" and granted the process we're sharing here (inspired by Hill) his stamp of approval.

To rapidly create a flow of ideas and to keep you in the right mindframe for focusing on your goal the solution is essentially simple - you need to apply definite action.

Do something - ANYTHING - to move you towards your goal. Start looking up homes for sale in the newspapers. Start looking at new furniture (even if you've not yet found the right home). Speak to real estate agents, search the internet, buy books on purchasing houses.

Definite Action, when applied towards your definite goal, creates miracles through the Law of Attraction. One of the cardinal sins is to over-analyse whether you are doing the right thing. Don't worry about this - live your life and act on your beliefs what you think to be right.

As we know this cannot just happen overnight. Hill says, take a few steps "baby-steps" - towards your goal. As you take action, events and coincidences will guide you towards the end result. Live the process and as time goes on be amazed at the joy and happiness that enters your life!

The Four Steps

These four steps are the cornerstone of the process of applying The Law of Attraction into your life.

The results can be dramatic:

Hill, after studying almost 500 of the most successful people of his era wrote that once you apply the process..

When Riches Begin to Come, They Come So Quickly, in Such Great Abundance
That One Wonders Where They Have Been Hiding During All Those Lean Years
~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Begin this process tomorrow. Spending 10 minutes in the morning sitting in meditation may seem like a chore, given you might have to rush to work, look after the kids or beat traffic. But it may just be the most important 10 minutes of your day. Indeed many who practice this process -- swear that it is the single most productive 10 minutes of their entire day.

Begin at once. In the next lesson we'll dive deeper into this process and help you answer some roadblocks you might face. Before the next lesson, do practice this process at least once.


In Lesson 6:
The Power of Desire and Belief
Overcoming Roadblocks to Your Creative Manifesting

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Count Your Blessings

"If you don' t feel grateful for what you have, what makes you think that you will be happy with more?"
Author unknown

Why is this so important? Gratitude and appreciation are some of the most transformative energies that are available to us. The Universe acts much like a giant photocopier -- bringing you more and more of what you already claim to have. Gratitude is becoming consciously aware of all that is there for us in life, and then acknowledging the gift.

Beneficial effects of counting your blessings

Having an attitude of gratitude AND practicing gratitude, has several major beneficial effects:

*It will change your life from lack to prosperity,

*From sickness to health and harmony,

*From struggle to abundance and quality of life.

*It will help you focus on what you want rather on what you do not want.

*It will raise your 'feeling good' vibration, and

*Help you remember how good your life really is!

*You will feel abundant and naturally produce more abundance in your life.

*You get to know yourself better.

*Brings out your natural beauty and wisdom.

*Helps you identify your values.

*Reveals the depth of who you are.

*Is life empowering.

*Supports you to detach and let go of the past.

* Is fun, playful and can be humorous.

*Creates more positive results in your life.

*Improves congruency and integrity.

*Brings about turning points in your life.

*Helps you achieve balance, clarity and peace of mind.

* Helps to recreate your self.

*Changes your state of consciousness.

*You move out of reactionary emotions and take charge of your personal energy.

Vibrational feeling

Gratitude is definitely the mother of all creation. When you do not appreciate and express gratitude for everything that's happening in your life, including your challenges, it puts you in a vibrational feeling that attracts to you more of what you do not have or what you are unhappy with.

Gratitude is an affirmation of ownership, responsibility, and appreciation. It affirms your connectedness to and participation in the life force that sustains you.
Gratitude is a choice. It is a choice to see things differently. When choosing to be grateful, you are focusing on all the things that are good or right in your life as opposed to the things that are not.

Gratitude Journal

A great idea for expressing your gratitude is to keep what is known as a "Gratitude Journal". You could purchase a journal. There are some beautiful ones at bookstores or you could create your own. Perhaps decorate a hard covered book with a montage of magazine cuttings of your favourite things on the cover?

I recommend keeping your Gratitude Journal in a private place where only you have access. Whatever time suits your routine best is your "time-out" to send notes and thoughts of gratitude - truckloads of thanks - to the force out there that you acknowledge as your source or creator, depending on your beliefs.

For me, first thing in the morning, around 5, is the best time to journal. Then, when I go out for my early morning nature walk, jog or swim, I do a Walking Gratitude Meditation. I thank every part of my body from my toes upwards, including every cell, muscle, bone and organ in my body. I say: "Thank you toes. Thank you feet for carrying me and moving me forward in life. Thank you legs for being strong and carrying my body ... " and so on. Then I look around me and express gratitude for the beauty and abundance of nature - the blue sky, the green leaves on the trees, the smell of the forest, the breeze on my face ...

Start to focus on abundance

When you start to focus on the abundance, rather than the lack in your life, you will start to design a wonderful new blueprint for your future. As you express your gratitude for even the smallest things, really feel your connectedness and your sense of gratefulness and be open to miracles in your life.

Choose words of 'light'

When you write or think choose words of "light"- grateful words, beautiful words, compassionate words, kind words, bright words, encouraging words, charitable words, joyous words and loving words. Your words are expressions of you, your higher self, your soul.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Science Of Getting Rich - Lesson 4

The Power of Thinking Big

How to Set Powerful Goals that Inspire You to Go Beyond the Ordinary

You've been following these lessons and have perhaps been touched by the Law of Attraction.

In Lesson 1 you learned about your latent inner power.

In Lesson 2, we discussed the Law of Attraction.

In Lesson 3, you learned how to master your thoughts.

In this lesson, you'll learn how to go further. You see, we each possess in us remarkable reserves of power -- just waiting to be tapped and properly channeled. And yet most of us lead quiet, ordinary lives.

Imagine for a moment, if Superman used his powers to do nothing more than save kittens stuck in trees. What a waste of potential! We laugh at an image like that.

But what we fail to realize is that most people, even if they do believe in the Law of Attraction, completely fail to live up to their full potential. Believing in the Law does not mean you're really using it.

In this lesson - we're going to EXPAND your mind to recognize and embrace your TRUE potential.


It Starts with Boosting Your Self-Esteem
In the video below, Jack Canfield Explains the Importance of Self-Esteem and What Happens When You Begin to
Recognize Your True Potential

How to Have a Life Beyond the Ordinary
Since we were kids, we've been conditioned to see ourselves as having limits.

Children are born free of mental baggage. They see themselves as capable of doing and being anything they choose. That's why as kids we dream of being astronauts or explorers or movie-stars. But as we get older - our minds get shackled. We slowly give up our dreams to fear, worry or feelings of lacking.

This is a big mistake. You see, it's as easy to manifest a million dollars as it is to manifest one dollar. It may take a little longer - but it's just as easy. But due to negative feelings and fears - few of us attempt such big dreams.

Instead, we settle for the ordinary and as a result fall into the current reality trap.

How many dreams have you given up on?

Here's a list of big goals that people often put off.

writing that book
starting that business
learning that language
having that baby
visiting that country
getting that degree
attending that seminar
starting that Internet business
Vow to stop putting down your dreams!

Regardless of what may be going on in your life, I’d suggest that you take the time to build a very clear image of the life you want. Then, hold that image – focus on it daily. Take the time to paint the image in your mind – paint the image with words on a sheet of paper first. Write it again and again, and when you do, mix it up a little. Picture yourself in different scenarios enjoying this result in your life.

I want you do to this at least once each day for a full month. As William James says, “You are depositing this image in the treasury of your subconscious mind. And when that happens … it will attract itself into your reality".

The first step to this of course, is deciding what this image is.


The First Step, Deciding What You Want

The Mind is Like a Drunken Monkey, Forever Jumping Around, Never Staying Steady
~ Zen Saying

The world and everything and everyone in it has a tendency to keep its conscious attention jumping from one idea or activity to another. The average individual has an ARRAY of unrelated subjects laying across the screen of his mind … the likes of which you’d have difficulty finding anywhere else outside of a common encyclopedia! There is no focus, no direction, and no stimulated, controlled thinking going on at all.

As Wallace Wattles mentions in this chapter, “You can never get rich or start the creative power into action by sending out unformed longings and vague desires.”

What Wallace is saying is this: Many of us are not sure what we want and so we get nowhere.

Here's the problem:

Let's say you decide you want to open a specific business, say a particular Internet home business. You've been dreaming about it - thinking about it - feeling the excitement at the prospect of being able to run your own profitable website.

Now of course as you're experiencing these feelings and thinking about it, the Law of Attraction starts going into action and things begin to happen to bring you towards this dream.

But then you have a friend approach you with a different business idea, say to open a restaurant. You suddenly get excited at this prospect. You now start to question the Internet Business idea.

Of course, as you're doing this, you continue using the Law of Attraction. But in the opposite way. The internet business that was coming your gets pushed away. A whole new reality is being created - now a reality of you as a restaurant owner.

But it does not stop there. A few weeks later, your friend may decide that he no longer wants to go into that venture with you. Now you're back to square one. Two businesses were on their way into your reality - but your indecision had pushed them back.

Every time you dream of a new goal - you plant a little seed in the Universe. Focusing and thinking of the goal is like watering that seed. As you apply more thought to the goal - shoots finally begin to sprout and push out of the ground.

But way to often - it's at this point that we suddenly change our minds. And when we do that we push the shoots back into the ground. No beautiful plant takes shape. And in terms of our goals - we move back to square one.

To overcome indecision - think carefully about what you want. And stick to it as long as your feelings about it stay positive.


The Second Step, Think BIG

Remember, the Law of Attraction implies that anything is within your field of possibility if you desire it strongly, believe in it, and take action towards it.

If you had a genie ready to grant your wishes, would you ask for something small? Say a chocolate milkshake?

No. You'd be nuts. You'd be asking for bigger things. A business, a soul-mate, glorious health, glorious wealth.

The Law of Attraction is like a genie. So don't squander your potential on small things.

Now here's why it's important to think big. There is so much that can be improved in the world. There is much you can contribute.

But you cannot do this by being mediocre.

Jose Silva, the founder of Silva Method studied the Law of Attraction for many years and one of the things he found was that the Law of Attraction works best for you and you can ask for something that will not just benefit you, but others too.

Setting a goal of getting a $1000 raise is a small goal. There's not much you can do to benefit the world with that extra $1000 per month. But setting a goal to run your own business and earn $50,000 a month is a good goal. With that money you can not only create a good life for your family, but also donate money to your favorite charities or fund neighborhood projects.

You owe it not just to yourself - but to the world - to THINK BIG.

So how do you tell if your goal is big enough?

Joe Vitale, one of the teachers from the Secret has a wonderful quote.

A good goal should SCARE you a little.
~ Joe Vitale

That simple quote sums up some really important lessons.

If the goal doesn't excite you, well you're not going to attract it. Remember what we learned in lesson 2.

Goals that EXCITE you are the type that let you pour your heart and soul into them. The bigger the goals - the more excited about it you can get.

Now let's look at the second part of that quote. "Scare you a little."

If you don't feel a tiny bit nervous about the goal - odds are you're THINKING TOO SMALL.

Apply this principle to your goals. Do they excite you? Do they scare you a little?

Those that do are probably the right ones.


Step Three, Share Your Goals with the People Who Matter

Does your business partner share your vision and goals for your business?

Do your spouse and kids share your goal of moving out of the city?

It's important to share your goals with people who matter. Especially people whose lives will be greatly influenced by you attaining these goals.

The Law of Attraction applies to all of us - all of the time and helps shape our reality - but it also shapes the reality of those closest to us.

If your spouse dreams of moving into a country house while you dream of moving into a city apartment, your goals are not aligned. You may cancel each other out, be greatly unhappy or for better or worse - both of you may get what you desire - but minus each other. The same applies to businesses - are your partners and employees sharing your vision?

There are certain goals you may want to keep private though. Perhaps a crazy idea you're not yet ready to share. These are often called Pocket Goals. It's okay to keep these private and hidden.

We all influence each other in profound ways. We can help one another attain a goal when we're aligned. But we can also create barriers for one another when our goals pull us in different directions.

Why You Can't Win the Lottery
This helps us answer a common question. If the Law of Attraction is so Powerful why can't I use it to win the Lottery?

You cannot use it to win the lottery simply because while you may be dreaming of this - millions of others who bought tickets are also trying to attract this. All of you cancel out each others intentions!

Setting a goal to win the lottery is a lousy goal - the lottery winnings are limited. But setting a goal to earn money through honest means is not. Abundance is unlimited.

Spread the Message
As we all influence each other, it is important to share our goals with people who matter. If your family members and business associates are aware of the Law of Attraction. Their success will only help reinforce your own.

This is perhaps why The Secret DVD spread so rapidly to millions around the world. A lot of people brushed it off to good marketing. I don't believe this. I think it spread because people realized that this knowledge would greatly improve the lives of their loved ones - and thus, impact their own lives and dreams.

In the same way, I hope you'll forward these lessons to your loved ones and friends. Ask them to sign up for this 7 Part Free Course.

James Allen said, "You don’t get what you want … you get what you ARE." You have rich resources lying dormant within you. The development of what lies there inside you will cause the manifestation of prosperity into your material world … the creation of healthy, giving relationships … and successful endeavors in whatever you choose to do.

You simply must Decide what it is you want..... Ask, believing that you will receive it.... and then Open up and gratefully receive it.

Let’s think about this in regard to earning money … Although the differences in what you’ve earned over the last 12 months and what you choose to earn over the next 12 months might be great, the change in your personality is usually very small … it’s all a matter of CHOOSING – and changing– your thought.

Your right to life means your right to have the free and unrestricted use of all the things which may be necessary for your physical, mental spiritual unfolding - in other words, your right to be rich. We have the RIGHT to choose, the ability to choose what we’re going to have … “Ask and it will be given.”


Stay tuned for the next lesson . We're in for an exciting journey.
In Lesson 5:
The Step-by-Step Process for Manifesting Your Dreams
How to Create the Right Mental Attitude for Attraction
Powerful Tools to Harness the Law
Think Big - Fulfill Your True Potential

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Extreme Life Makeover

Four Proven Ways to Manifest Financial Abundance

Abundance is the inherent nature of your Universe.

You live in a truly abundant world that is constantly giving you opportunities and resources to create financial abundance in your life. In fact, the Universe is always creating situations that enable you to manifest financial freedom.

The level of financial prosperity you desire is not limited by the state of the economy, your current income or personal debt. It hinges solely on the attitude, energy, and vibrational frequency that you are sending out to the world. By simply increasing your vibration, this abundance will ease its way into your life and become a living reality.

The golden manifesting rule is simple: like attracts like.

But what does that actually mean in the real world?…

= = = = =

When you are constantly feeling rich and abundant in your inner world, you always attract wealth to you in the outer world. If you are vibrating at the millionaire frequency, then you will naturally attract massive prosperity to you. It’s time to free yourself from those negative beliefs that keep your vibration and finances in the dumpster!

You are a natural manifesting machine. You can attract anything, including a bank account overflowing with wealth. It’s OK to think and act abundantly. You will only make this world a more rich and abundant place. Choose to reclaim your abundant nature, awaken the manifesting power inside you, and start attracting the financial abundance you truly deserve.

Here are four proven steps that will assist you in manifesting greater abundance into your life:

1. Reclaim Your Abundant Manifesting Powers.

We all naturally have the ability to manifest anything we want. Yet many of us have forgotten this ancient truth.

The secret to reclaiming and exercising these powers is to constantly remind yourself throughout the day that YOU ARE A POWERFUL MANIFESTING BEING.

This thought alone will raise your manifesting vibration and start attracting abundance into your life. Repeating this thought with FEELING is the key to shifting your vibration and sending out a “Millionaire Signal” into the Universe.

When you are truly FEELING this infinite abundant energy inside you on a daily basis, the results are the manifestation of massive physical wealth in your life. Our 8 Habits Manifesting Routine will raise your vibration so that you are FEELING this vibration all day long.

2. Experience Gratitude for the Abundance You Do Have.

One of the most effective long-term methods to receiving abundance is relaxing into the energy of gratitude.

The act of feeling grateful for the money that you DO have instantly shifts the energy in every cell of your body, as well as those electrons that want to flow into your bank account!

As you flood your body and mind with gratitude, you start to feel complete and whole on the deepest levels. When you are thankful, you know that your “cup runneth over”, and you release the desperate search for filling it up. The habitual seeking of money is actually what creates the lack of funds in your bank account. The yearning, needing, and searching feeling creates stress in your body, which blocks the abundance you are here to receive.

Connecting with deep feelings of gratitude sends out a powerful signal to the Universe that says, “I am rich and abundant!” It affirms that everything is already Divine, wholly perfect as it is, and that money is not the most important thing in life. This frees you from money, and on one level instantly makes you financially free!

So every time you start to strive to make more money, stop and be grateful for what you already have. You’ll soon realize how effortless it was to receive the easy rewards of financial prosperity on down the road.

3. Transform Limiting Beliefs into Abundant Feelings.

Take a close look at each of your key beliefs that make you feel like you’re lacking money and flip them upside-down. Imagine tasting the opposite feeling of every poverty stricken thought you think.

Some of these limiting old beliefs may sound like, “There is not enough money for me” or “I have to work extra long hours to be financially free.”

When you hear yourself thinking ANY of these thoughts, just yell “STOP” in your mind so that it echoes throughout your inner Universe.

Then, proclaim the truth to the Universe by stating, “I am a Divine Being who is naturally abundant and free!” Say this affirmation over and over everyday FEELING it penetrating into every cell in your body.

4. Take Massive Inspired Actions.

If you are waiting for financial abundance to come your way, and yet not acting on those inspiring thoughts that mysteriously do come your way, then it may be a long time before anything miraculous happens to your bank account. It is ridiculous to think you can manifest abundance by sitting on the couch watching TV.

Every action you do is sending out an energetic frequency into the world.

The movement of your body shifts the molecules inside your mind and transforms those quantum-manifesting particles around you on a subatomic level. This means your energetic movement is directly linked to the types of things you manifest or don’t manifest into your life.

When you take actions from an inspired open heart, you’re sending out positive expansive energy, which magnetizes even more abundance! So take a moment to tune into your heart and find out what it’s really excited and inspired to do.

Then take the first action step that inspires you (it may be small), and then add on another one. Keep it up for a few hours and you will soon feel a sweet momentum of energy that will catapult you forward into the financial abundance you are seeking.

The Science of Getting Rich Lesson 3

How to Control Your Thoughts

2 Life Changing Techniques to Gain Mastery Over Your Thoughts
Your thoughts are your most powerful asset! You and everything you experience in life are the direct result of your thoughts. The ability to control your thoughts will allow you to choose what experiences, people and the events you attract into your life.

In this lesson we'll explain exactly How to Control Your Thoughts.

Now, you may think this is going to be hard...after all, you think thousands of thoughts every single day. How would you monitor them all?

Fortunately, there is a shortcut...

We're going to teach you two techniques you can use to attain mastery over the thousands of thoughts streaming through your head each and every day.

The key to controlling your thoughts is to simply observe the emotions that come from the thought.


Understanding Emotions
All the emotions we feel, be it love, excitement, sorrow, fear, happiness, peace, anger, jealousy or joy - can fall into two categories.

Your feelings about something tell you very quickly whether you should or should not bring that thing into your life.

When you understand the Law of Attraction, you'll learn to become aware of the way you feel and to pay attention to these feelings because they're your soul's guidance system, and will to help you hone in on things that are truly right for you.

Here's an example:

As a kid you may have played a game called hot or cold. You would close your eyes and count to ten. A friend would hide something, say a toy, under a mattress or behind some books. When you're done counting and open your eyes, you now have to attempt to find the hidden toy.

Every time you move towards the location of the toy your friend would shout "WARM". If you moved away from the toy your friend would shout "COOLER". As you start to move towards the toy your friend would say "You're getting WARMER, WARMER..." And as you pinpoint the mattress and discover the toy, he'd shout "HOT - You found it!"

Well let me share something with you.

The Universe is your friend.
And the Universe plays this game with you EVERY single day.

But rather than say HOT or COLD, the Universe guides you with feelings. Positive feelings mean you're moving towards something good for you. Negative feelings mean you're headed in the wrong direction.

You may wake up one morning feeling negative about your job. The repetitive work is boring you, you feel underappreciated, you just don't feel you're doing something you love. The negative feelings are a sign from the Universe that you need to change direction immediately. Changing direction does not mean quitting your job this instant - but it does mean you need to do something to fix your present situation.

You might feel the same way about your marriage, your career, your body, your home - the negative feelings are alarm bells going off. The Universe is saying "Warning , You're thinking thoughts that are not the reality you wish to face. Keep thinking them and you'll only increase the likelihood of these situations coming to you. You need to find a way to change your thoughts FAST!".

Your Emotions are therefore, a warning system from your Soul. Pay attention to them, so that you'll only attract into your reality things that are good for you.


The Power of Gratitude
The first technique for thought control is simply called Expressing Gratitude

People who let the Law of Attraction work for them are a certain breed of people. You'll recognize them when you meet them.

They are often positive, joyful, in awe of the world, and full of love and compassion.

Sure, they sometimes face bad moments - feelings of despair, grief or sorrow, but they bounce back quickly. They seem to relish life itself.

A simple way to help you move into this state of joy and positive vibes is to start thinking about what you have to be thankful for.

And believe me, you have a LOT to be thankful for.

You may look at your 2-bedroom apartment, cheap car and 15" inch TV and compare yourself to wealthy people living today and feel that you have barely made it.

But think about this - you are richer than the richest people in the world living just 200 years ago. They did not have a "horseless carriage" that could carry them wherever they wanted to go. They could not use a phone to instantly communicate with anyone - anywhere in the world. They did not have a "magic story-telling box", what we would call a TV - to entertain them. 200 years ago, the amount of information that the average wealthy person could consume in a lifetime, would be no match for the amount you can consume in ONE DAY through the Internet.

You may have an average income - but you would not want to trade places with a "rich" man living just 200 years ago. You have much to be grateful for!

So to get the Law of Attraction working for you, express gratitude for what you have. Because here's the BIG secret - when you express gratitude for what you have - you allow the Universe to give you more.

Wallace Wattles hit the nail on its head when he said, "People who order their lives rightly in all areas are kept in poverty because of their lack of gratitude. Having received one gift from God, they cut the ties that connect them to God by failing to make acknowledgement."

Now here's an important thing...

The acknowledgment does not serve to boost the ego of some insecure Universal Consciousness or God. The Universe does not CARE if you're grateful or not.

Why this works is because when you express gratitude for what you have, you put YOURSELF in a frame of mind - one that's of joy and expectancy. Because you now focus on what you HAVE rather than what you DON'T HAVE, the energy you're sending out is I HAVE A LOT.

And in return the Law of Attraction has to reciprocate by giving you A LOT MORE.

Without gratitude, the energy you put out is I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH - and so, by the Law of Attraction, you'll keeping losing more and more until you don't have enough.

Jack Canfield explains how he uses the Power of Gratitude in his life...

AS I explained in the movie, The Secret, I am always grateful for all that I have in my life – I have a magnificent home … I have a tremendous wife …I love spending time with my family. And, I absolutely love what I do in my business every day. I HAVE the best … and, much to my surprise … it just keeps getting better anyway!

But the point is this – I was grateful when I had no home, no wife, no family and no business. You see, it doesn't matter where you are in life. There's a reason right NOW to express gratitude.

So do it. Get in the habit of it. Write your gratitude list every night, or say it out loud in the shower every morning. You'll notice in just a matter of days how long that list begins to grow – and what a change in attitude it creates for you … and that's where attraction finds its way to you.

How to Express Gratitude
It's really easy. Just decide to spend a few minutes each day to practice being thankful for what you have.

You could do it during:

Your morning commute
While in the shower
Just before going to bed at night.
In the morning, as soon as you wake up.
Some sample statements of gratitude you can use:
I'm so grateful for my body. It's treated me so well over the years and is aging gracefully. I'm happy with the way I look.

I'm grateful for having such an incredible family, for a spouse that loves me and for kids that are simply wonderful.

I'm grateful for being born me - for my house, car, family, health and the feeling of joy with which I pursue each and every day.

I'm so grateful now that I am earning _________ per month. I have a job I love, a career that I'm good at and I can afford anything I want for myself or my family.

I'm so happy and grateful now that money comes to me, in ever increasing quantities, through multiple sources of income, on a continuous basis.

Next...Thought Control when Something Bad Happens
But what if something particularly bad happens - an accident or sudden illness?

What do you do then?

The solution is a technique called Energy Redirection


The Energy Redirection Technique
We've already explained how your thoughts are energy. And that which you focus on, you attract.

The danger is that bad things do sometimes happen - accidents, illnesses, bad breakups, being laid off work. When this happens and you dwell on the sudden bad situation - you just create negative energy that amplifies the bad situation and keeps you locked in it for longer.

Fortunately, there is a powerful technique you can use to pull yourself out of bad situations. It's called the Energy Redirection Technique and is used by an 80 year-old meditation expert and energy healer in California called Burt Goldman. Burt learned the technique while studying with spiritual leaders and healers from around the world.

Often, a metaphor can show the way. So we'll let Burt tell you a story of an incident that would normally cause a great degree of stress in most people and how he applied the Energy Redirection Technique to this incident.

The Story of the Dented Fender
The incident took place during a class I was presenting. I was heading out to lunch at a nearby restaurant with 3 of my students, and offered to drive. As we approached my new car, we saw a big dent in the right front fender.

Someone had slammed into it while it was parked, and had driven off without even leaving a note on the windshield.The three students looked at me and waited for the blowup.

When I first saw that dented fender, my mind flew off into all kinds of directions. For a moment I could feel irritation and my body tightening with anger, and I knew immediately I had to redirect that negative mental activity at once. I used the Energy Redirection Technique and focused on finding a way to change the negative thoughts into positive action.

Jumping into the car I said to the three, "Let's go. There's a body and fender shop just down the street."

"You going to get it fixed right now?" One of the students asked.

"Nope." I answered, "What I'm going to do is to get a price on what it costs to repair the dent, and whatever that price turns out to be, I'm going to create something that I'm not doing right now, and I'm going to make three times the cost of the dent."

We drove to a nearby shop and I was told that the cost of repairing the fender would be $450.00. I immediately tripled the figure and thought, "$1,350, I've got to earn $1,350.00 with something new."

Now whenever I looked at the dent in my fender I didn't mentally start cursing the low life who dented it and ran off. No, not at all. Now when I looked at the dent I thought, "$1,350.00, I've got to earn $1,350.00."

I kept thinking of how I could make that amount of money. It had to be something that I was not doing at that time. I put on my Creative Hat and thought about it, and finally came up with the answer.

I would create a brand new seminar for my friends and if they liked it I would send out a mailing to all the people who had been through my classes, and would set a goal of making $1,350.00 from it!

And so I put the seminar together and did it for free-of-charge for fifteen friends. They loved it. I then sent out a mailing and conducted the new seminar.

Imagine my surprise when I realized that I had made more on that seminar than the new car cost! And all because someone dented my fender.

Emotions create Energy leading to Action
By focusing on the positive and using the Energy Redirection Technique, Burt allowed the Law of Attraction to work for him. He made the dented fender bring to his mind, not the negative feelings of loss - but the positive feeling of wanting to earn THREE times the cost of fixing that fender.

In Burt's story above - you can see how he looked at the dent, and saw something positive out of it.

He redirected his negative thoughts into positive ones, and set a goal of earning 3 times the money needed to fix the dent.

Now, of course, with the dominating thought in Burt's mind being the goal of earning money, he allowed the Law of Attraction to bring that into his reality.

The Energy Redirection Technique is really simple.
When faced with a bad situation - think of a way to turn it into a CHALLENGE.

Apply creativity to the situation and any negative event can be turned into an exciting challenge.

Now, we're not saying you need to forget or ignore the negative event. That can sometimes be very hard to do. But by finding a challenge, a goal - something that can motivate and inspire you - you now re-allocate a large chunk of your energy away from the negative thoughts.

In other words, thoughts that would otherwise be obsessed with the negative event can now be redirected and focused on something positive.

It's beautiful and so simple! Yet once you learn this, you can free yourself from the many negative thoughts that keep you trapped in present conditions.

As Burt said...after setting his goal of earning 3 times the cost of the dented fender, every time he looked at the fender, he would motivate himself by thinking "I have to earn more money". The negative thoughts, anger at the person who made the dent, frustration at having to fork out money to fix it - were all being DIFFUSED by the positive challenge.

Here are several more examples:
Bed-Ridden in Hospital: Decide that you're going to use this free time to learn something fun, say a new language. Now you're thinking about a new skill rather than focusing on your illness.

Got Laid Off: Set a goal to find a job that pays you 25% more than your previous job. Think about this new job and stop thinking about being laid off. Start job hunting. Do not hold any negative feelings towards your boss for laying you off. Instead, think of him as having done you a favor because you're now going to find a better job.

Someone Owes You Money and Refuses to Pay Up: Forgive them. As long as you hold a grudge, you're telling the Universe that you've lost money. And indeed, you'll attract the loss. Instead, set a goal to earn twice the amount of money you've lost.

Got Dumped: Decide that you'll find a new love. Someone better suited to you. Make a list of all the qualities you'd love to see in your ideal mate. Now focus on meeting this new person.

Lost a Business Due to Bankruptcy: Decide that you're going to rebuild a new business and regain your financial freedom. Set a goal to earn 3 times what you previously had. Bonus Points: Decide that you're going to earn so much more than you'll be able to repay all your debts - even though you legally may not have to.

Stay tuned for the next lesson . We're now moving into more advanced territory.
In Lesson 4:

The Magic of Thinking BIG
How to Set the RIGHT Goals

Accelerate Your Education Today

Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, two of the most in-demand teachers of the Law of Attraction and the Science of Getting Rich have launched their Powerful, Life Changing New Seminar Program.

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